A homage to the developmental biologist Prof. Dr. Jaume Baguñà. Retirement tribute.
Jaume Baguñà introduced planarian regeneration in the aerly 70's. His contributions to the regenerative potential of the neoblast stem cells have been pivotal an...
Montse gave one of the invited talks at the IV Developmental Biology Meeting of the Catalan Society of Biology in Barcelona. Paula’s poster received an award and Haritz talk...
Our groups attended the 11th Meeting Spanish Society for Developmental Biology (SEBD) held in Girona. Elena, Paula, Sandra, Haritz and Qi presented posters and Sofia gave a talk.
Haritz, Qi and Sandra attended the X Experimental Neurobiology Symposium of the Catalan Society of Biology. Marta gave a talk on the glia project and Sandra got one of the Poster A...