Jaume Baguñà introduced planarian regeneration in the aerly 70's. His contributions to the regenerative potential of the neoblast stem cells have been pivotal and his vast knowledge on planarian regeneration and growth parameters is enormous. In the last years of his career, he focused on the origin of bilateria (Science 1999 Mar 19;283(5409):1919-23). We are extremely indebted to him, for his support when Montse and Florenci started working on flies in Barcelona in close collaboration with Antonio García-Bellido.
The event included talks from Gustavo LLorente (UB), Emili Saló (UB), Gonzalo Giribet, Ginés Morata (CBMSO, Madrid) and Jaume Baguñà (UB). Excellent talks from all of them. It concluded with a vídeo message from Antonio García Bellido.
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