Published papers >
On functorial (co)localization of algebras and modules over operads, with Markus Spitzweck, Oliver Röndings and Paul Arne Østvær
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 91 (2021), no.2, 153–178 [journal][arXiv]
On Morita weak equivalences of simplicial algebraic theories and operads, with Giovanni Caviglia
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224 (2020), no. 4, 106217 [journal] [arXiv]
Morita homotopy theory for (∞,1)-categories and ∞-operads, with Giovanni Caviglia
Forum Mathematicum 31 (2019), no.3, 661–684 [journal]
Encoding equivariant commutativity via operads, with David White
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 18 (2018), no.5, 2919–2962. [journal]
Bousfield localisations along Quillen bifunctors, with Constanze Roitzheim
Applied Categorical Structures
25 (2017), no.6, 1113–1136. [journal]
Towers and fibered products of model structures, with Constanze Roitzheim
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
13 (2016), no. 6, 3863–3886.
Homotopy transfer and rational models for mapping spaces, with Urtzi Buijs
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures
11 (2016), no. 2, 309–332.
On autoequivalences of the (∞,1)-category of ∞-operads, with Dimitri Ara and Moritz Groth
Mathematische Zeitschrift
281 (2015), no. 3-4, 807–848.
On solid and rigid monoids in monoidal categories
Applied Categorical Structures
23 (2015),
no. 2, 575–589.
A generalization of Ohkawa's theorem, with Carles Casacuberta and Jirí Rosický
Compositio Mathematica
150 (2014), 893–902.
Are all localizing subcategories of stable homotopy categories coreflective?, with Carles Casacuberta and Jirí Rosický
Advances in Mathematics
252 (2014), 158–184.
Derivations, the Lawrence-Sullivan interval and the Fiorenza-Manetti mapping cone, with Urtzi Buijs and Aniceto Murillo
Mathematische Zeitschrift
273 (2013), no. 3-4, 981–997.
Cellularization of structures in stable homotopy categories
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
153 (2012), 399–418.
Motivic slices and colored operads, with Markus Spitzweck, Oliver Röndings and Paul Arne Østvær
Journal of Topology
5 (2012), 727–755.
Transfer of algebras over operads along Quillen adjunctions
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
86 (2012), 607–625.
A model structure for coloured operads in symmetric spectra, with Rainer Vogt
Mathematische Zeitschrift
270 (2012), 223–239.
Dold-Kan correspondence for dendroidal abelian groups, with Andor Lukacs and Ittay Weiss
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
215 (2011), 1669–1687.
Localization of algebras over coloured operads, with Carles Casacuberta, Ieke Moerdijk and Rainer Vogt
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
101 (2010), 105–136.
Homological localizations of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra
Forum Mathematicum
22 (2010), 349–356.
Strict modules and homotopy modules in stable homotopy
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
7(1) (2005), 39–49.
Homotopical localizations of module spectra, with Carles Casacuberta
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
357 (2005), 2753–2770.
Book chapters >
Lectures on dendroidal sets, by Ieke Moerdijk (Notes written by Javier J. Gutiérrez)
Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona, Simplicial methods for operads and algebraic geometry, 1–118
Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2010
Preprints >
Cloning systems and action operads, with Javier Aramayona, Federico Cantero and Víctor Carmona [arXiv]
Homotopy reflectivity is equivalent to the weak Vopenka principle, with Carles Casacuberta [arXiv]
Other >
Localización y conservación de estructuras en homotopía estable, Ph.D. Thesis
Universitat de Barcelona (2004). (Spanish
[pdf] or Catalan
Stable localizations of module spectra, Master's Thesis
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2001).