Administrative procedures for the doctorate

Access and Admission


To access a doctoral program it is necessary to initiate and obtain a favorable resolution of two procedures: admission and access. This must be requested through the following application link for admission and access.

1. Requirements for admission to a doctoral program

You can consult the admission requirements in the file of each doctoral program.

2. Requirements for admission to a doctoral program.

You can consult the requirements on the website of the Doctoral School of the University of Barcelona (EDUB).

Click if more information is needed.

Request for acceptance of the research plan

Request for monitoring and evaluation of the research plan

Application for extension of doctoral studies

Application for temporary stay

Temporary cancellation request

Application for withdrawal from the doctoral program

Request for change of dedication

Request to change/add new director


Students depositing their doctoral thesis along with the application document, must submit and register the following documentation at the SED of Fine Arts.


  • The cover page or the first page must contain at least the following information: name of the doctoral program, title of the thesis, name and surname of the doctoral student, name and surname of the thesis director(s) and tutor, if any. The thesis must include a general introduction, methodology, results or argumentative development, final conclusions and bibliography. The Specific Thesis Defense Committees may establish other format and content requirements depending on the scope of the thesis. In the case of theses presented as a compendium of publications or theses subject to processes of protection or transfer of technology or knowledge, the following must be taken into account as established in these Regulations

A digital copy of the doctoral thesis and curriculum vitae in PDF format.
The completed data sheet on the thesis and the authorization for publication in the Digital Repository of the University of Barcelona and the repository of doctoral theses TDX, and also the completed data sheet with the minimum necessary data for the TESEO database according to the standardized model. The TESEO form must include at least the personal data, the summary of the thesis and the UNESCO codes.
The complementary documents that are established corresponding to theses presented as a compendium of publications, theses written in languages other than those specified in the program, mention of international doctorate and co-supervision.

  • A declaration signed by the doctoral student that the thesis is original, that the ethical codes and good practices have been complied with and that the thesis does not contain plagiarism, stating that he/she knows and agrees that his/her thesis will be submitted to a procedure to check its originality.


  • A statement signed by the director or the director of the doctoral thesis that the ethical codes and good practices have been complied with and that he/she is not aware that any plagiarism has occurred.