Verbs with compound subjects

  • Two or more nouns joined by and

    Generally speaking, two or more nouns joined by and form a plural compound subject and take a plural verb.

    Exemple adequatThe faculties of Physics and Mathematics are planning to share the laboratory.

    Exemple adequatDr Puig and Dr Davis have made another proposal.

    However, when the nouns describe a single person, thing or concept, use a singular verb.

    Exemple adequatHis first teacher and lifelong mentor is reading the opening address.

    Exemple adequatThe canteen reported that fish and chips was more popular than paella.

    Exemple adequatToday’s research and development is facing many new challenges.

  • Two or more nouns joined by or or nor

    When the compound subject contains or or nor, make the verb agree with the part of the subject closest to it.

    Exemple adequatIn filter media testing, either one PFE or three VFE are generally recommended.

    Exemple adequatIn filter media testing, three VFE or one PFE is generally recommended.

    Exemple adequatNeither the teachers nor the Erasmus office is under any obligation to reschedule your class.

    Exemple adequatNeither your tutor nor your co-supervisors need to be notified until the third week.

  • The expressions together with and as well as

    When expressions like together with and as well as (and the nouns they are attached to) are written between commas, they do not make singular subjects plural.

    Exemple adequatThe Mathematics Library, together with the other faculty libraries, is hoping to extend its opening hours.

    Exemple adequatThe Boix i Rovira building, as well as the private chapel and park, has now opened its doors to the public.

Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics
Darrera actualització: 23-4-2024
Recommended citation:
«Verbs with compound subjects» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 27 setembre 2024].