
An application is a formal request to a competent body.


  • Applicant’s personal details. Provide your name, family name, identity document type and number, and postal address. If relevant, provide further information such as telephone number, email address, and date and place of birth, etc. If you are making the application on behalf of another person, include both your personal details and those of the person you are representing.

  • Declaration. In this section, give the reasons for the application. Introduce it with the expression I declare in bold, capital letters and followed by a colon, and write each statement on a new line beginning with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. If there are two statements or more, number them.

    Exemple adequatI DECLARE:

    1. I am a student on an Erasmus+ programme.

    2. I registered in a course and paid the full course fee.

    3. I was informed that I am entitled to free language tuition.

  • Request. This section states the object of the application. Begin with the expression I request in bold, capital letters and followed by a colon, and write any following statements on a new line beginning with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. If there are two statements or more, number them.

    Exemple adequatI REQUEST:

    1. The cancellation of my registration.

    2. A refund of the course fee.

  • Supporting documents. If any documentary evidence is required, or it is in your interests to include it, list the documents you attach.


    1. Photocopy of passport

    2. Photocopy of Erasmus+ learning agreement

    3. Photocopy of Language Service registration form

  • Signature. Sign the document. There is no need to print your name and surname because they have already been provided at the beginning.

  • Place and date. After the signature, write the name of the town or city in which the application has been made and the date.

    Exemple adequatBarcelona, 15 October 2021

  • Recipient. At the foot of the page, put the name of the unit and institution to which the application is addressed.




Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics
Darrera actualització: 3-12-2024
Recommended citation:
«Application» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 2 març 2025].