Common problems with singular and plural

  • The word data

    The word data can be singular or plural. Be consistent across contexts.

    Exemple adequatThe data is useless because the file has been corrupted.

    Exemple adequatThe data were collected in December. They show a 15% increase in student intake.

    In science, data tends to be plural.

  • Areas of knowledge

    Some names of academic and scientific disciplines end with an s and appear to be plural but take a singular verb when they are treated as an area of knowledge or subject of study. These include economics, electronics, physics, statistics and telecommunications, which are usually singular in Catalan (economia, electrònica, física, estadística and telecomunicació, respectively).

    Exemple adequatEconomics is commonly regarded as a soft science.

    Exemple adequatThe mathematics of computational chemistry methods is of significance to chemists.

    When they are not, use the plural.

    Exemple adequatThe economics of university services are complex.

    Exemple adequatThe mathematics of our everyday calculations are of no significance to us.

    Note that a common but informal version of the term mathematics is maths (British English) or math (American English). In most documents, only the full version of the word is appropriate.

    Also note that when the discipline economics is used as an adjective, it maintains its form with a final s. The adjective economic, without the s, has a different meaning.

    Exemple adequatThe Department is beginning a series of CPD courses for its economics lecturers.

    Exemple adequatAttaining sufficient economic support is a vital aspect of university governance.

Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics
Darrera actualització: 28-7-2023
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«Common problems with singular and plural» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 18 setembre 2024].