Common mistakes

Be careful with colons in the following situations.

  • Instead of a comma

    Do not use a colon to substitute a comma. Therefore, not

    Exemple no admissibleTo complete your admission application: send the required documents by the end of the month.


    Exemple adequatTo complete your admission application, send the required documents by the end of the month.

  • After a preposition

    Do not use colons between a preposition and its complement. Therefore, not

    Exemple no admissibleThe Council announced cutbacks in: research funding, international cooperation and staff development.


    Exemple adequatThe Council announced cutbacks in research funding, international cooperation and staff development.

  • Two or more colons in a sentence

    Never use more than one colon in a sentence. Therefore, not

    Exemple no admissibleThe Council’s priorities are controversial: they have been praised and criticized by all groups: PDI, PTGAS and students.


    Exemple adequatThe Council’s priorities are controversial. They have been praised and criticized by all groups: PDI, PTGAS and students.

    Note, however, that you can use a semicolon and a colon in the same sentence.

    Exemple adequatThe Government cutbacks have been devastating; protests are planned by many people working in the most affected areas: education, healthcare and social services.
Darrera actualització: 14-3-2024
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Recommended citation:
«Common mistakes» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 3 juliol 2024].
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