Lletra de dona es un espacio de publicación y difusión de reseñas de obras escritas por mujeres, dentro de los ámbitos tanto de la creación literaria (narrativa, teatro, poesía, ensayo, autobiografía) como de la teoría crítica
"le produce un raro placer –el placer de la transgresión– y a menudo recrea posibles escenas que incluyen una intervención policial, la detención del Viejo, un interrogatorio lleno de preguntas con borrosas connotaciones sexuales […]. Pero una cosa es imaginar y otra muy distinta es tentar al diablo." (62)
“tan altos que los clientes pedían por favor que no te los sacaras, y los lamían esperando saborear un poco de esa gloria travesti, esa frivolidad tan honda, esos piesotes de varón coronados por zapatos de princesa puta.” (Sosa 173)
"La Maria es va quedar parada, mirant. A poc a poc, li va venir la por: ells se n’anaven, la vida ara era seva; però quantes coses en una vida! Un regal així tan gran, que el podria, que el podria carregar?"
The strange, the incoherent, that which falls "outside", gives us a way of understanding the taken-for-granted world of sexual categorization as a constructed one, indeed, as one that might well be constructed differently.
And yet, I want to argue that if we are to make broader social and political claims about rights of protection and entitlements to persistence and flourishing, we will first have to be supported by a new bodily ontology, one that implies the rethinking of precariousness, vulnerability, injurability, interdependency, exposure, bodily persistence, desire, work and the claims of language and social belonging.
Oddly, but importantly, if the thesis is right, then the «I» comes into sentient being, even thinking and acting, precisely by being acted on in ways that, from the start, presume that non-voluntary, though volatile field of impressionability. Already undone, or undone from the start, we are formed, and as formed, we come to be always partially undone by what we come to sense and know.
Let's face it. We're undone by each other. And if we're not, we're missing something.