- Logarithmic derivations of adjoint discriminants -
Vladimiro Benedetti, Daniele Faenzi, Simone Marchesi
arXiv preprint (2023)
- Lefschetz properties and the Jacobian algebra of 3-dimensional hyperplane arrangements -
Simone Marchesi, Elisa Palezzato, Michele Torielli
arXiv preprint (2023)
- 't Hooft bundles on the complete flag threefold and moduli spaces of instantons -
Vincenzo Antonelli, Francesco Malaspina, Simone Marchesi, Joan Pons-Llopis
arXiv preprint (2023)
- Classification of foliations by curves of low degree on the three-dimensional projective space -
Mauricio Corrêa, Marcos Jardim, Simone Marchesi
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, Vol. 39, no 5 (2023), pp. 1641-1680
- Triangular arrangements on the projective plane -
Simone Marchesi, Jean Vallès
Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Vol. 7, Article no.14 (2023)
- Generalized logarithmic sheaf on smooth projective surfaces
Sukmoon Huh, Simone Marchesi, Joan Pons-Llopis, Jean Vallès
International Mathematics Research Notice Vol. 2023, Issue 21 (2023), pp. 18387-18442
- On invariant rank two vector bundles on \(\mathbb{P}^2\) -
Simone Marchesi, Jean Vallès
Publicacions Matemàtiques, Vol. 67, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 259-275
- Hypertetrahedral arrangements -
Liena Colarte, Laura Costa, Simone Marchesi, Rosa Maria Miró-Roig, Martí Salat
Mathematische Zeitschrift , Vol. 301 (2022), pp. 515-539
- On stability of logarithmic tangent sheaves. Symmetric and generic determinants -
Daniele Faenzi, Simone Marchesi
International Mathematics Research Notice - Vol. 2022, Issue 23 (2022), pp. 18589–18631
- Uniform Steiner bundles -
Simone Marchesi, Rosa Maria Miró-Roig
Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Vol. 71, Issue 2 (2021), pp. 447-472
- Nearly free curves and arrangements: a vector bundle point of view -
Simone Marchesi, Jean Vallès
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. 170 (2021), pp. 51-74
- Instanton bundles on the flag variety \(F(0,1,2)\) -
Francesco Malaspina, Simone Marchesi, Joan Pons-Llopis
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze, Vol. XX, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 1469-1505
- Irreducibility of the Moduli Space of Orthogonal instanton bundles on \(\mathbb{P}^n\) -
Aline Vilela Andrade, Simone Marchesi, Rosa Maria Miró-Roig
Revista Matemática Complutese, Vol. 33 (2020), pp. 271-294
- On holomorphic distributions on Fano threefolds -
Alana Cavalcante, Mauricio Corrêa, Simone Marchesi
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra - Vol. 224 (2020), Issue 6, pp. 106272
- Monads on projective varieties -
Simone Marchesi, Pedro Macias Marques, Helena Soares
Pacific Journal of Mathematics Vol. 296, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 155-180
- A Horrocks' theorem for reflexive sheaves -
Laura Costa, Simone Marchesi, Rosa Maria Miró-Roig
Journal of Algebra, Vol 499 (2018), pp. 74-102
- Branes in the moduli space of framed instantons -
Emilio Franco, Marcos Jardim, Simone Marchesi
Bulletin des Sciénces Mathematiques, Vol 141 (2017), pp. 353-383
- Tango bundles on Grassmannians -
Laura Costa, Simone Marchesi, Rosa Maria Miró-Roig
Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 289 (2016), Issue 8-9, pp. 950–961
- Curves with Canonical Models on Scrolls -
Danielle Lara, Simone Marchesi, Renato Vidal Martins
International Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 27 (2016), Issue 5, pp. 1-30
- Moduli of autodual instanton bundles -
Marcos Jardim, Simone Marchesi, Anna Wissdorf
Bulletin of Brazilian Mathematical Society - (2016)
- Simplicity and exceptionality of syzygy bundles over \(\mathbb{P}^n\) -
Simone Marchesi, Daniela Moura Prata
Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata Vol. 196 (2016), Issue 1, pp 41-58
- Schwarzenberger bundles on smooth projective varieties -
Enrique Arrondo, Simone Marchesi, Helena Soares
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra - Vol. 220 (September 2016), Issue 9, pp 3307-3326
- Jumping pairs in Steiner bundles -
Enrique Arrondo, Simone Marchesi
Forum Mathematicum - Vol. 27 (2015), Issue 6, pp. 3233-3267
- \(p\)-Buchsbaum rank 2 bundles on the projective space -
Marcos Jardim, Simone Marchesi
Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Università di Trieste - Vol.47 (2015), pp. 17-25
- Varieties connected by chains of lines -
Simone Marchesi, Alex Massarenti
Geometriae Dedicata - Vol 168 (2014), Issue 1, pp. 61-68
- Jumping spaces in Steiner bundles
Ph.D Thesis (2012)
Directors: Enrique Arrondo and Antonio Lanteri
Covered by lines and conic connected varieties -
Simone Marchesi, Alex Massarenti, Saeed Tafazolian
LE MATEMATICHE Vol. LXVI (2011) – Fasc. II, pp. 137–151
On the non existence of orthogonal instanton bundles on \(\mathbb{P}^{2n+1}\) -
Lucja Farnik, Davide Frapporti, Simone Marchesi
LE MATEMATICHE Vol. LXIV (2009) – Fasc. II, pp. 81–90
Surveys and dissemination
- Homemade algebraic geometry: celebrating Enrique Arrondo’s 60th birthday -
Simone Marchesi, Alicia Tocino
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, Online first (2024)