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Taller de tesis 2014: programa


This year the workshop will be divided into three sections. In the first one, "From thought to writing", doctoral students will present their working proposals (in approximately 15 minutes) and each presentation will be followed by some time for questions.

Crida per al Taller de tesis 2014


La jornada "Taller de tesis" d'enguany se celebrarà el dia 8 de maig. Tindrà lloc a la Sala de Graus de l'Edifici Històric, a partir de les 10:00 del matí, amb les intervencions de doctorands i doctorandes del CRIC que vulguin exposar, durant aproximadament un quart d'hora, una visió general o de perspectiva del propi treball. Us convidem a enviar-nos les vostres propostes.

En Construcció: Georges Didi-Huberman


The official Master and Doctorate of excellence Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals (CRIC) and the Centre Dona i Literatura have organized the eighth session of the Seminar "En construcció", coordinated by Cristina Alsina and Joana Masó. The seminar, for students registeres in the master's and doctoral programs CRIC, will discuss "Cuando las imágenes tocan lo real", by GEORGES DIDI-HUBERMANAttendance by invitation for students of CRIC.



As part of the Erasmus Intensive Programme (Erasmus-IP) the Seminari Filosofia i Gènere and the Centre Dona i Literatura (Consolidated Research Group Creació i Pensament de les Dones, Universitat de Barcelona), the Scuola della Differenza (Università del Salento) and the Centre d'études féminines et d'études de genre (Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis) call for applications to...

En Construcció: Michael Hardt and Toni Negri


The official Master and Doctorate of excellence Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals (CRIC) and the Centre Dona i Literatura have organized the seventh session of the Seminar "En construcció", coordinated by Cristina Alsina and Joana Masó.

Credit Registration Extension Period 2013-2014


Registration of recognized credits and extension for pending credits.
Registration of final Research Dissertation (for students who did not register it during the ordinary registration period).

Training program for young researchers


This program seeks to provide research training and resources  to young researchers at the Universitat de Barcelona. Eligible candidates must be staff members at the Universitat de Barcelona, whether they hold a contract, a fellowship or are support technicians in research programs, both predoctoral and postdoctoral.