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Scenes of Difference

From Friday, November 13th, 2020, to Friday, January 29th, 2021, at 11:30h

Alba Palau Centelles and Oriol López Esteve (CRIC, Universitat de Barcelona) organize the seminar "Escenes de la diferència" ("Scenes of Difference"), addressed to MA students.
Drawing on the theoretical contributions emerged from the post-structural and feminist schools of difference, this seminar proposes a reconsideration of the potential of this theoretical corpus in order to create a network of new theoretico-practical productions that examine the application and scope of (sexual) difference as a practice. How is difference mobilized, in and beyond the limits and possibilities of literary practices? The aim of the seminar is to go through the studies on difference with the purpose of resituating them in other scenes, holding a dialogue with a set of non-literary practices, such as performance and coreography. This seminar will consist of four sessions, the last of which, "La differenza sesuale", will include the participation of Elena Laurenzi (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-ADHUC, Università del Salento). 
Invitation required. For further information, please send an e-mail to
Coorganized by the Master Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities (CRIC) and ADHUC–Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality.