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Marta Segarra, Good Practices Award in Non-Sexist Communication


Marta Segarra has been awarded by the "Associació de Dones Periodistes" with the Premi Bones Pràctiques en Comunicació no sexista (Good Practices Award in Non-Sexist Communication) for academic quality in research focused on gender and sexuality studies.

Marta Segarra, Professor of French Literature and Gender Studies at the University of Barcelona, and director of research at the Laboratoire d'Études de Genre et de Sexualité-LEGS, of the French National Center of the Recerche Scientifique, is a teacher at the MA Programme Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities. Previously Marta Segarra has been a visiting professor at the Université Paris 8 Vincennes, at the Collège international de Philosophie (Paris), at Cornell University and at the University of California-Berkeley, among other centres. Her research is mainly in the fields of gender and sexuality studies, biopolitics and post-humanism, and cultural studies. She has published several books: El món que necessitem (with Donna Haraway; CCCB, 2019), Teoría de los cuerpos agujereados (Melusina, 2014), L’habitació, la casa, el carrer (CCCB, 2014), Escriure el desig. De La Celestina a Maria-Mercè Marçal (Afers, 2013), among others. She usually writes for the newspaper Ara.
The prize has been presented on November 15, 2019 at the Caixa Forum Auditorium at 7 pm (entrance free of charge). In 2019, the photographer Pilar Aymerich, the Women's Summer University (University of Barcelona / Cornellà City Hall), Sandra Sabatés and María Escario have been also awarded, among others.

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