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Cosmo Tools

I am a strong supporter of making published results reproducible and transparent.
In this section I share the most relevant software used in my papers

Rapid foUier StaTIstics COde.
Power spectrum and bispectrum estimator for large scale structure.
Rustico requires as an input the galaxy and random catalogue (optional) and returns the power spectrum and bispectrum multipoles for a given k-range. It has many functionalities, such as estimators for periodic boxes, sky-survey geometry, multiple tracers, etc. The inputs are passed through an initialization parameters file.
Language: C
Papers where used: Gil-Marin et al 2020, 2016, Brieden et al 2020, Gualdi et al. 2018
Requirements: FFTW and OpenMP.
Documentation (in progress), Code


Bao and Rsd Algorithm for Spectroscpic Surveys
MCMC sampler for BAO and RSD analysis of the power spectrum multipoles. 
BRASS requires as input an specification of the type of analysis to be done as well as the power spectra files to be read. The covariance also needs to be provided, either via mocks or via theoretical input.
Language: C
Papers where used: Gil-Marin et al 2020, Brieden et al 2020
Requirements: GSL libraries and OpenMP
Documentation (in progress), Code


Perturbation Theory code at two loops
Integration routine for the PT theory terms of the power spectrum.
Perturbation theory script to compute all the density and velocity terms of the standard perturbation theory up to 2-loops. Additionally it also returns the 1-loop bias terms and the TNS terms needed for a full power spectrum multipole analysis in redshift space.
Language: C
Papers where used: Gil-Marin et al 2020, Brieden et al 2020, Gil-MarĂ­n 2012
Requirements: OpenMP.
Documentation (in progress), Code
