Selected Publications

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  1. Full-Shape analysis of the power spectrum and bispectrum of DESI DR1 LRG and QSO samples. Sergi Novell-Masot, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde et al. 2025. arxiv:2503.XXXXX 
  2. DESI 2024 V: Full-Shape Galaxy Clustering from Galaxies and Quasars DESI collaboration et al. 2025 (Héctor Gil-Marín as corresponding author). arxiv:2411.12021
  3. Testing the robustness of the BAO determination in the presence of massive neutrinos. Adriana Nadal-Matosas, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde. 2024. JCAP01(2025)045 arxiv:2410.01897
  4. Catalog-level blinding on the bispectrum for DESI-like galaxy surveys. Sergi Novell-Masot, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde et al. 2024 JCAP10(2024)089 arxiv:2407.12931
  5.  BAO cosmology in non-spatially flat background geometry from BOSS+eBOSS and lessons for future surveys  Sanz-Wuhl, Santiago ; Gil-Marín, Héctor  Cuesta, Antonio J. ; Verde, Licia 2024. JCAP05(2024)116 arxiv:2402.03427
  6. A tale of many H0. Licia Verde, Nils  Schöneberg, Héctor  Gil-Marín 2024. 2024ARA&A..62..287V  arxiv:2311.13305
  7.  On approximations of the redshift-space bispectrum and power spectrum multipoles covariance matrix.  Sergi Novell-Masot, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde 2023.  JCAP06(2024)048arXiv:2306.03137
  8. GEO-FPT: a model of the galaxy bispectrum at mildly non-linear scales. Sergi Novell-Masot, Davide Gualdi, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde 2023. JCAP11(2023)044,  arXiv:2303.15510
  9. A tale of two (or more) h's. Samuel Brieden, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde 2023, JCAP04(2023)023,  arXiv:2212.04522
  10. Model-agnostic interpretation of 10 billion years of cosmic evolution traced by BOSS and eBOSS data. Samuel Brieden, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde 2022,  JCAP08(2022)024B, arXiv:2204.11868
  11. How to optimally combine pre-reconstruction full shape and post-reconstruction BAO signals. Héctor Gil-Marín 2022, JCAP05(2022)040arXiv:2203.05581
  12.  PT challenge: Validation of ShapeFit on large-volume, high-resolution mocks.  Samuel Brieden, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde 2022, JCAP06(2022)005, arXiv:2201.08400
  13. Model-independent vs. model-dependent interpretation of the SDSS-III BOSS power spectrum: bridging the divide. Samuel Brieden, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde 2021.  PhysRevD.104.L121301  , arXiv:2106.11931 
  14. ShapeFit: Extracting the power spectrum shape information in galaxy surveys beyond BAO and RSD. Samuel Brieden, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde 2021. JCAP12(2021)054, arXiv:2106.07641 
  15. The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: measurement of the BAO and growth rate of structure of the luminous red galaxy sample from the anisotropic power spectrum between redshifts 0.6 and 1.0. Héctor Gil-Marín, Julián E. Bautista, Romain Paviot, et al. 2020MNRAS.498.2492G, arXiv: 2007.08994 
  16. The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological Implications from two Decades of Spectroscopic Surveys at the Apache Point observatory. Alam et al.  Physical Review D 103, 083533, arXiv:2007.08991
  17. Blind Observers of the Sky. Samuel Brieden, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde, José Luis Bernal. 2020JCAP...09..052B, arXiv: 2006.10857
  18. The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: BAO measurement from the LOS-dependent power spectrum of DR12 BOSS galaxies. Gil-Marín, Héctor; Percival, Will J.; Cuesta, Antonio J.;et al. 2016. 2016MNRAS.460.4210G, arXiv: 1509.06373
  19. The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: RSD measurement from the power spectrum and bispectrum of the DR12 BOSS galaxies. Gil-Marín, Héctor; Percival, Will J.; Verde, Licia; et al. 2017. 2017MNRAS.465.1757G, arXiv: 1606.00439
  20. The power spectrum and bispectrum of SDSS DR11 BOSS galaxies - I. Bias and gravity. Gil-Marín, Héctor; Noreña, Jorge; Verde, Licia; et al. 2015. 2015MNRAS.451..539G, arXiv: 1407.5668
  21. The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: RSD measurement from the LOS-dependent power spectrum of DR12 BOSS galaxies. Gil-Marín, Héctor, Percival, Will J.; Brownstein, Joel R.; et al. 2016. 2016MNRAS.460.4188G, arXiv: 1509.06386
  22. An improved fitting formula for the dark matter bispectrum. Gil-Marín, Héctor Wagner, Christian; Fragkoudi, Frantzeska; et al. 2012. 2012JCAP...02..047G, arXiv: 1111.4477
  23. The bispectrum of f(R) cosmologies. Gil-Marín, Héctor; Schmidt, Fabian; Hu, Wayne; et al. 2011. 2011JCAP...11..019G, arXiv: 1109.2115
  24. The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: structure growth rate measurement from the anisotropic quasar power spectrum in the redshift range 0.8 < z < 2.2. Gil-Marín, Héctor; Guy, Julien; Zarrouk, Pauline; et al. 2018. 2018MNRAS.477.1604G, arXiv: 1801.02689
  25. Measuring line-of-sight-dependent Fourier-space clustering using FFTs. Bianchi, Davide; Gil-Marín, Héctor; Ruggeri, Rossana; Percival, Will J. 2015 2015MNRAS.453L..11B, arXiv: 1505.05341