
Power Spectrum of the eBOSS DR16 LRG sample

The power spectrum (the two-point correlation function in Fourier space) is the main statistics used to extract cosmological information from galaxy surveys. In redshift space it is usually described through its Legendre multipole expansion: the monopole, quadrupole and hexadecapole (Gil-Marin et al. 2020).

Here we provide the power spectrum and derived quantities from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS+eBOSS) Data Release 16, galaxy sample, within the redshift bin, (0.6 <z<1.0), which contains 377,458 galaxies with an effective redshift of 0.70 (Ross et al. 2020). These measurements set constraints on the product of the growth of structure parameter f, and the amplitude of dark matter density fluctuations, σ8, along with the geometric Alcock-Paczynski parameters, the product of the Hubble constant and the comoving sound horizon at the baryon drag epoch, and the angular distance parameter divided by the sound horizon. Note that the official measurement used in eBOSS collaboration et al. 2020 on this redshift bin, also contains information from the 2-point correlation function (Bautista et al. 2020), which is not provided here. 

Power Spectrum Multipoles

Power Spectrum Post-reconstruction

Public Files

The public files contain the power spectrum measurements on DR16 BOSS+eBOSS LRG sample, for the NGC and SGC, for both data, Nseries mocks and EZmocks mocks. These catalogues and measurements are described in Gil-Marin et al. 2020Zhao et al. 2020 and Ross et al. 2020, and are used in eBOSS collaboration et al. 2020 for cosmology interpretation. 

We make publicly available the best-fitting values of α-parallel and α-perpendicular measurements, along with fσ8 using the modeling described in the above papers, for both DR16 data and 1000 EZmocks, catalogues, pre-recon analysis, post-recon analysis and simultaneous fit. Additionally we also provide the covariance for all these fits. Please read carefully the readme file provided along with the files in the links below,

Pre-recon best-fits P(k) for DR16 data & EZmocks

Full Shape (or RSD) analysis of the pre-reconstructed catalogues, using the power spectrum monopole, quadrupole and hexadecapole. We report α-parallel, α-perpendicular f, along with their covariance. Note that f (and its covariance terms) must be rescaled either with σ8_fid or by σ8_fid_resc (recommended), which we also provide, in order to obtain fσ8, which is the meaningful quantity. 

Post-recon best-fits P(k)  for DR16 data & EZmocks

BAO analysis of the post-reconstructed catalogues, using the power spectrum monopole and quadrupole. We report, α-parallel and α-perpendicular, along with their and their covariance.

Pre- and Post-recon simultaneous P(k) fits  for data & EZmocks

Simultaneous Full Shape pre-recon analysis and BAO post-recon analysis using the power spectrum monopole (pre- and post-), quadrupole (pre- and post-), and hexadecapole (pre-).  We report α-parallel, α-perpendicular f, along with their covariance. Note that f (and its covariance terms) must be rescaled either with σ8_fid or by σ8_fid_resc (recommended), which we also provide, in order to obtain fσ8, which is the meaningful quantity.

For the RSD and BAO analyses the reference template cosmology is the one described in sec 2.3 (Table 1) of the Gil-Marin et al. 2020 paper, and correspond to the following CAMB files,

Fiducial CAMB parameters for BAO and RSD analyses  for data & EZmocks

CAMB initialization files to produce the fiducial linear matter power spectrum for the RSD and BAO type of analyses.

Fiducial linear power spectrum for BAO and RSD analyses  for data & EZmocks

Linear fiducial power spectrum used for the RSD type of analyses, non-linear terms computed from PTcool and the Olin(k) function used as a template for the BAO type of analysis. 

Additionally we also provide the full chains used to obtain the best-fitting values and its covariance for the DR16 data, for the 3 types of analyses described above. For each of these files, not only the steps for the cosmology parameters are provided,  α-parallel and α-perpendicular measurements, along with fσ8, but also for all the nuisance parameters, including all the bias terms (for Full Shape analysis) and  broadband terms (for the BAO analysis). 

MCMC chain corresponding to the Full Shape type of analysis of the DR16 LRG P(k)

MCMC chain corresponding to the Full Shape type of analysis of the DR16 LRG P(k). Read Readme_mcmc.txt for a description of the file

MCMC chain corresponding to the BAO post-reconstruction type of analysis of the DR16 LRG P(k)

MCMC chain corresponding to the BAO post-recon type of analysis of the DR16 LRG P(k). Read Readme_mcmc.txt for a description of the file

MCMC chain corresponding to the simultaneous Full Shape and BAO post-reconstruction type of analysis of the DR16 LRG P(k)

MCMC chain corresponding to the simultaneous Full Shape and BAO post-recon type of analysis of the DR16 LRG P(k). Read Readme_mcmc.txt for a description of the file

In addition to the fits on the DR16 LRG data and EZmocks, we provide below also the fits on the 84 Nseries mocks, used to test systematics. 

Pre-recon best-fits P(k) for the 84 Nseries mocks

Full Shape (or RSD) analysis of the pre-reconstructed catalogues, using the power spectrum monopole, quadrupole and hexadecapole. We report α-parallel, α-perpendicular f, along with their covariance. Note that f (and its covariance terms) must be rescaled either with σ8_fid or by σ8_fid_resc (recommended), which we also provide, in order to obtain fσ8, which is the meaningful quantity. 

Post-recon best-fits P(k)  the 84 Nseries mocks

BAO analysis of the post-reconstructed catalogues, using the power spectrum monopole and quadrupole. We report, α-parallel and α-perpendicular, along with their and their covariance.

Pre- and Post-recon simultaneous P(k) fits for the 84 Nseries mocks

Simultaneous Full Shape pre-recon analysis and BAO post-recon analysis using the power spectrum monopole (pre- and post-), quadrupole (pre- and post-), and hexadecapole (pre-).  We report α-parallel, α-perpendicular f, along with their covariance. Note that f (and its covariance terms) must be rescaled either with σ8_fid or by σ8_fid_resc (recommended), which we also provide, in order to obtain fσ8, which is the meaningful quantity.

More public eBOSS products (including partially the products available also on this site) can be found in the official eBOSS public pages. For citing policies please check How to cite SDSS, and in particular please add in your paper the Official SDSS-IV Acknowledgment.

Hector Gil-Marin, 16th Oct. 2020. 

Hector Gil-Marin 17 Feb. 2020