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QR-Lab adviser the City Council of Barcelona with the study ''Evaluation of the Opening of the Trades to the Sundays of Summer to the City of Barcelona''

The November 17th the members of the team researcher, formed by Jordi Suriñach, Jordi López-Tamayo and Esther Vayá together with the Second Deputy Mayor Sònia Recasens, presented the final work at the press conference.

The aim of the study has been to analyze the pilot test of opening shops on Sundays during the summer 2014, as well as getting feedback from the agents on the assessment of potential changes in the future.

The main findings of the study show that there is a high awareness of the regulatory standards of openness, but there is a wide margin of growth for certain businesses, types of traders and consumers. Except in Ciutat Vella, the opening is more a matter of axes / streets than neighborhoods or districts. Furthermore it is noted that there is no clear position about the opening areas or timetable between traders and consumers. A contraction of the trade, changing habits in residents of Barcelona and an additional expense has also been observed. However, foreign customers are those who use more the shops on Sundays.

Based on the results of this study, the City Council has decided to repeat the experience and will allow shops located in tourist areas of the Catalan capital to be open on Sundays during the next summer season.


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