AQR-Lab has decided in recent years to intensify the societal and international dissemination of its activity through so-called Master Classes.
In these sessions, guests from a variety of institutions are invited to give a presentation of their activities while it allow to interact with the members of the Laboratory. The objective is threefold. On one hand, to identify social needs to stimulate knowledge of transfer tosolve real present-day problems, as well as disseminate the activity of the Laboratory among the social agents, and establish contacts for future collaborations.
Cristina Rovira Trepat (Sub-directora general de Producció i Coordinació, IDESCAT)
Juan Carlos Duque (Director del Grup RiSE, Universitat EAFIT)
Paco Ramos (Director Ejecutivo de Estrategias de Ocupación, Barcelona Activa, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona)
Employment Strategies. Barcelona Activa
12:00 - ERE 329
José Vila (Director de LINEEX - Universitat de València Director científic a DevStat)
David Casado i Federico Todeschini (Institut Català d'Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques, Ivàlua)
Eulàlia Dalmau (Institut Català d'Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques, Ivàlua)
Rudiger Ahrend (OCDE, Regional Economics & Governance Unit)
Andrea Conte (European Commission i Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)