Afonso A.; Claeys P.
Year: 2007 The dynamic behaviour of budget components and output – the cases of France, Germany, Portugal, and Spain, Economic Modelling, 25, pp. 93-117.Read more
Claeys, P.
Year: 2007 Sustainability of EU fiscal policies: a panel test, Journal of Economic Integration, 22(1), pp. 112-127.Read more
Clar, M.; Dreger, C.; Ramos, R.
Year: 2007 Wage flexibility and labour market institutions: a meta-analysis, Kyklos, 60(2), pp. 145-163.Read more
Moreno, R.; López-Bazo, E.
Year: 2007 Returns to Local and Transport Infrastructure under Regional Spillovers, International Regional Science Review, 30(1), pp. 47-71.Read more
Ramos, R.; Royuela, V.; Suriñach, J.
Year: 2007 An analysis of the determinants in Economics and Business publications by Spanish Universities between 1994 and 2004, Scientometrics. 71 (1), pp. 117-144.Read more
Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R.
Year: 2007 Local human capital and productivity: An analysis for Spanish regions, Regional Studies. 41 (3), pp. 349-359.Read more
Suriñach, J.; Romaní, J.; Termes, M.
Year: 2007 La banda ancha como dinamizador de la actividad económica. Análisis y efectos sobre los diferentes agentes, Investigaciones Regionales, 10, pp. 207-235.Read more
Carrion-i-Silvestre, J.L.; Sansó, A.
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Clar, M., Duque, J.C.; Moreno, R.
Year: 2007 Forecasting Business and Consumer Surveys Indicators. A Time Series Models Competition. Applied Economics.Read more
Claveria, O.; Pons, E. ; Ramos, R.
Year: 2007 Business and consumer expectations: Are they useful for forecasting?, International Journal of Forecasting. 27 (1), pp. 47-69Read more
Moreno, R.; López-Bazo, E.
Year: 2007 Regional Heterogeneity in the Private and Social Returns to Human Capital, Spatial Economic Analysis, 2(1), pp. 23-45.Read more
Royuela, V.; Lambiri, D.; B. Biagi
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Suriñach, J.; Duque, J. C.; Royuela, V.
Year: 2007 Patrones de publicación internacional (ssci) de los autores afiliados a universidades españolas, en el ámbito económico-empresarial (1994-2004), Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 25 (1), pp. 277-312.Read more
Suriñach, J.; Royuela, V.; Duque, J.C.
Year: 2007 Patrones de publicación ISI en España 1994-04: Estudios de Economía Aplicada, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 25(1), pp. 277-312.Read more