Twin transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach (MOBI-TWIN)
PI: Ioannis Kostopoulos (White Research SRL)Read more
Perception and Evaluation of Regional and Cohesion policies by Europeans and Identification with the Values of Europe (PERCEIVE)
PI: Edoardo Mollona (Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita di Bologna)
Does reducing non-wage labour costs generate sustainable new employment- a review of evaluations
PI: Raul Ramos Lobo
Spillover on sovereign bond markets
PI: Peter Claeys
Knowledge, Innovation, Territory (KIT)
PI: Rosina Moreno Serrano
Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth (IAREG)
PI: Jordi Suriņach Caralt
Widening and diversifying citizen engagement in science (ALLINTERACT)
PI: Jose Ramon Flecha (CREA, Universitat de Barcelona)Read more
Solidarity in European societies: empowerment, social justice and citizenship (SOLIDUS)
PI: Marta Soler Gallart (CREA, Universitat de Barcelona)
Wage Dispersion in the EU
PI: Jordi Suriņach Caralt
Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRegionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods (SEARCH)
PI: Jordi Suriņach Caralt
Extension of the Study on the Diffusion of Innovation in the Internal Market: A comparative analysis using CIS3 and CIS4
PI: Jordi Suriņach Caralt
Study on the Diffusion of Innovation in the Internal Market
PI: Jordi Suriņach Caralt