Castells-Quintana, D.; Royuela, V.
Any: 2018 Spatially blind policies? Analysing agglomeration economies and European Investment Bank funding in European neighbouring countries. The Annals of Regional Science, 60 (3), 569–589
Berlanga Silvente, V.; Figuera Gazo, M.P.; Pons Fanals, E.
Any: 2018 Predictive model of university persistence: students with "salary scholarship". Educación XX1, 21 (1), 209-230
Claveria, O.; Monte, E.; Torra, S.
Any: 2018 A data-driven approach to construct survey-based indicators by means of evolutionary algorithms. Social Indicators Research, 135 (1), 1-14
Garcia, JR.; Murillo, J.; Suriñach, J.; Vayá, E.
Any: 2018 Economic Impact of the Ministry of Defence's Budget: Methodological Design and Results for the Spanish Economy. Defence and Peace Economics, 29 (4), 459-473
López-Bazo, E.; Motellón, E.
Any: 2018 Innovation, heterogeneous firms and the region: evidence from Spain. Regional Studies, 52 (5), 673-687
Matano, A.; Ramos, R.
Any: 2018 Remittances and Educational Outcomes: A Regional Investigation for Moldova. Annals of Regional Science, 60 (3), 451-471
Romaní, J.; Casado-Díaz, J.; Lillo, A.
Any: 2018 On the links between spatial variables and overeducation. Applied Economics Letters, 23 (9), 652-655
Vayá, E.; García, J.R.; Murillo, J.; Romaní, J.; Suriñach, J.
Any: 2018 Economic impact of cruise activity: the case of Barcelona. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35, (4), 479-492
Badillo, E.; Moreno, R.
Any: 2018 Does absorptive capacity determine collaboration returns to innovation? A geographical dimension. The Annals of Regional Science, 60 (3), 473–499
Cappellari, L.; Di Paolo, A.
Any: 2018 Bilingual Schooling and Earnings: Evidence from a Language-in-Education Reform. Economics of Education Review, 64, 90-101
D’Agostino, L.M.; Moreno, R.
Any: 2018 Exploration during turbulent times: an analysis of the relation between cooperation in innovation activities and radical innovation performance during the economic crisis. Industrial and Corporate Change, 27 (2), 387-412
López-Bazo, E.; Motellón, E.
Any: 2018 Firm exports, innovation, and the regional dimension in Spain. Regional Studies, 52 (4), 490-502
López-Tamayo, J.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J.
Any: 2018 Economic performance, social progress and institutional reform in European neighbouring countries. Annals of Regional Science, 60 (3), 613-636
Miguelez, E.; Moreno, R.
Any: 2018 Relatedness, external linkages and regional innovation in Europe. Regional Studies, 52(5), 688-701
Royuela, V.; Ordoñez, J.
Any: 2018 Internal migration in a developing country: A panel data analysis of Ecuador (1982-2010). Papers in Regional Science, 97 (2), 345-367