Lopez-Bazo, E.
The complex link between socioeconomic deprivation and COVID-19. Evidence from small areas of Catalonia. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 49, 100648
DOI: 10.1016/j.sste.2024.100648
This ecological study assesses the association between the incidence rate of COVID-19 confirmed cases and socioeconomic deprivation in the Catalan small areas for the first six waves of the pandemic. The association is estimated using Poisson regressions and, in contrast to previous studies, considering that the relationship is not linear but rather depends on the degree of deprivation. The results show that the association between deprivation and incidence varied between waves, not only in intensity but also in its sign. Although it was insignificant in the first, third and fourth waves, the association was positive and significant in the second, becoming significantly negative in the fifth and sixth waves. Interestingly, the evidence suggests that the link between both magnitudes was not homogeneous throughout the distribution of deprivation, the pattern also varying between waves. The results are discussed in view of the role of non-pharmacological interventions and vaccination, as well as potential biases (for example that associated with differences between population groups in the propensity to be tested in each wave).