Working papers
- 2023/1 Geographical distribution of the COVID-19 pandemic across waves in Spain
- 2023/2 The Effect of Competition on Language Diversity in the Movie-Theatre Industry
- 2023/3 Export Destination and Firm Upgrading: Evidence from Spain
- 2023/4 Labor Market Monopsony and Firm Behavior: Evidence from Spanish Exporters
- 2023/5 Generalized Extreme Value Approximation to the CUMSUMQ Test for Constant Unconditional Variance in Heavy-Tailed Time Series
- 2023/6 Income inequality and redistribution in Scandinavian countries
- 2023/7 Navigating the Precarious Path: Understanding the Dualisation of the Italian Labour Market through the Lens of Involuntary Part-Time Employment
- 2023/8 How Have Video-on-Demand Platforms Shaped Our Preferences? Endogenous Preferences in a Cultural Market
- 2023/9 “A different look at the nexus between entrepreneurship and development using GEM data
- 2023/10 “Economic uncertainty and suicide mortality in postpandemic England