Documents de treball
- 2012/1 Location Patterns of Creative Capital and Regional Disparities in Spain
- 2012/2 What Drives the Urban Wage Premium? Evidence along the Wage Distribution
- 2012/3 What attracts knowledge workers? The role of space, social connections, institutions, jobs and amenities
- 2012/4 Building a quality in work index in Spain
- 2012/5 The business excellence attraction composite index (BEACI). Design and application to the municipalities of the Barcelona province
- 2012/6 What Drives the Choice of Partners in R&D Cooperation? Heterogeneity across Sectors
- 2012/7 Do intra- and inter-industry spillovers matter? CDM model estimates for Spain
- 2012/8 A Note on the Relationship Between the Cyclicality of Markups and Fiscal Policy
- 2012/9 Measuring Sovereign Bond Spillover in Europe and the Impact of Rating News
- 2012/10 Decomposing the Rural-Urban Differential in Student Achievement in Colombia Using PISA Microdata
- 2012/11 Changes in Wage Structure in Mexico Going Beyond the Mean: An Analysis of Differences in Distribution, 1987-2008