Bioethics and Motherhood. Ethical Reflections Derived from the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic
Carrer de Pujades, 350, 08019, Barcelona
Inscripció prèvia a Incloure nom complet, titulació i/o categoría professional, així com institució de treball o vinculació
The course "Bioethics and motherhood. Ethical Reflections Derived from the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic", organized by Josefina Goberna (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) with Ainoa Biurrún (Sant Joan de Déu, Parc de la Salut Mar), Carme Perelló (Universitat de Barcelona), Noemí Obregón (Col·legi Oficial Infermeres i Infermers, Barcelona) offers a bioethical and multidisciplinary approach on how the pandemic has affected childbirth. It includes the participation of Júlia Martin Badia (Universitat de Barcelona), Desirée Mena Tudela (Universitat Jaume I), Encarnación Martínez García (Universidad de Granada) and Montserrat Esquerda Aresté (Institut Borja de Bioètica), among others.
This workshop is a result of the project "Having children in times of the COVID-19 pandemic", funded by the Fundació Grífols i Lucas and the project #VULFIL, "Vulnerability in Women's Philosophical Thought: Contributions to the Debate around Present Emergencies."
Free course. Prior registration by email at Include full name, degree and/or professional category, as well as work institution or affiliation.