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Violència i identitats

I CRIC Symposium
Thursday November 26, 2015
Sala del Professorat, Edifici Josep Carner, Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Aribau 2, 5è pis - 08007 Barcelona
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The MA in Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities is organizing the I CRIC Symposium, entitled "Violència i identitats", in order to study how the concept of "violence" is portrayed, from the perspective of literary studies. The Symposium will be divided into two sections; Anne-Cécile Druet (Université de París-Est Marne-La Vallée) will read a paper to close the event. The participants will be, amongst others, professors in the MA CRIC, Shelley Godsland (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Marta Segarra (CNRS / Universitat de Barcelona), Katarzyna Paszkiewicz (ESERP / Universitat de Vic) and Amaranta Sbardella (Università di Siena). The symposium will be inaugurated by Montserrat Gatell, president of the Institut Català de les Dones, and Adolfo Sotelo, dean of the Philology Department. The symposium is co-organized by the Centre Dona i Literatura and is part of the activities organized by the research project "Víctimas y agresoras. Representaciones de la violencia en la narrativa criminal escrita por mujeres". Attendance is free. Registration:

Cristina Alsina,
Mireia Aragay,
Francesco Ardolino,
Anne-Cécile Druet,
Montserrat Gatell,
Shelley Godsland,
Elena Losada,
Anna Montané ,
Katarzyna Paszkiewicz,
Mònica Rius,
Amaranta Sbardella,
Marta Segarra,
Marisa Siguan,
Anna Maria Villalonga
Màster en Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals ;
Centre Dona i Literatura;
Projecte de recerca Víctimas y agresoras. Representaciones de la violencia en la narrativa criminal escrita por mujeres (VANACEM) (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad)