Reflections and Narratives on Vulnerability and Childbirth during a Pandemic
Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
08007, Barcelona
CFP 25 maig 2022 a:
The research conference "Reflections and Narratives on Vulnerability and Childbirth during a Pandemic" brings together academics and professionals to think about the pandemic’s determinants at childbirth from a multidisciplinary perspective. It will include, among others, Josefina Goberna (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona), Silvia Costa Abós (Universitat de Barcelona), M. Jesús Movilla (Universidade da Coruña), Claudia Calquín (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Elvira Burgos Díaz (Universidad de Zaragoza), Susana García Mani (Institut Català de la Salut), as well as midwives and architects.
The final program of the conference has been published. Please note that prior registration is required in order to attend. You may find the information on fees, terms, etc. below and in the pdf of the program.
Call for communications
Presentation of proposals open to people with a diploma, bachelor's degree and PhD. The deadline for submission is May 25, 2022. Send communication proposals to:
You must send:
- Summary of a maximum length of 2 pages. DIN-A4, 1.5 line spacing, in Times New Roman 12, in Catalan, Spanish or English. It must include: title, objective, methodology, results and discussion-conclusions.
- The document must also include: author's name, e-mail, telephone number, academic degree, institution in which you work and position.
- Written biographical note (NOT CV) (max. 500 words).
The acceptance of a communication proposal entails the commitment to register.
Fees and registration
- Basic fee: 75 Euro
- Reduced registration until 10/06/2022: 60 Euro
They must be done at Registration includes: attendance, musical activity, guided tour, documentation, coffees for both days.
This workshop is a result of the #VULFIL project, "Vulnerability in Women's Philosophical Thought: Contributions to the Debate around Present Emergencies."