III Symposium Gender(s) and Language(s): Translation and Creation
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau, 2, pis -1 - 08007 Barcelona
Sala d'Actes, IEMed
c/ Girona, 20 - 0800 Barcelona
Canal Youtube de l'IEMed
Assistència online amb inscripció prèvia
The III Symposium on Gender(s) and Language(s): Translation and Creation brings together specialists in Arabic studies and creators to address issues of translation around the city and the Turkish-Ottoman female authors, the (de)construction of gender in Arabic literature, graphic novels, Orientalism and Arabism, as well as the shared memory between Morocco and Spain. Marga Castells, Nesrin Karavar, Mònica Rius and Andrea Villar (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona); Ana González (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and the writers Lamis Saidi and Laura Casielles will participate, among others.
Activity organized by the research project Gender(s) and language(s) in contemporary Arabism, a project of I+D+i: PGC2018-100959-B-I00 in collaboration with the Càtedra UNESCO Dones and ADHUC. On-site attendance at the Universitat de Barcelona and the IEMed and online. Online attendance via Zoom with prior registration at https://www.eventbrite.es/e/iii-simposio-de-generos-y-lenguajes-traduccion-y-creacion-tickets-454873267187.