Emilia Pardo Bazán in the press: violence, gender and representation
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau, 2, 5a planta – 08007 Barcelona
The International Symposium "Emilia Pardo Bazán a la premsa. Violència, gènere i representació", coordinated by María Xesús Lama and Elena Losada (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona), brings together specialists in the work of Pardo Bazán to study various forms of representation of gender violence through her publications in the press. An extraordinarily prolific author with a constant presence in the public space, collaborating in the cultural or general press, Pardo Bazán did not miss any opportunity to denounce the situation of the women of her time. Gender violence and social indifference to this scourge, as well as the institutional violence that limited the social role of women and especially their access to education and work, are a constant theme in her stories and articles, with such continuity and insistence that it constitutes a true program of social intervention. Among others, Isabel Clúa (ADHUC-University of Seville), Donatella Siviero (Università di Messina), Marisa Sotelo (Universitat de Barcelona) and José Manuel González Herrán (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) will intervene in the symposium.