Els discursos de valor de l'autoria i la genderització de la producció cultural / The Discourses of Authorial Value and the Gendering of Cultural Production
The GRC Cos i Textualitat and the Centre Dona i Literatura - GRC Creació i pensament de les dones organize jointly "Els discursos de valor de l'autoria i la genderització de la producció cultural / The Discourses of Authorial Value and the Gendering of Cultural Production". This symposium seeks to open a debate on the notion of individuality in the creative process, which was propelled by the belief in authorial individualism during Romanticism. The aim is to compare it with present conflicts in author rights and to analyze the ways in which, at present, Romantic ideology serves to quell collaborative authorial practices. The symposium will include a keynote address by Martha Woodmansee (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland) titled "The Practice of Collaborative Value: Challenging Single Authorship Modes", as well as the participation of Carme Font and Meri Torras (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Katarzyna Paszkiewicz (ESERP / Universitat de Vic). Attendance is free. Some of the talks will be in English, without simultaneous translation.