Cinquè Taller de Tesi CRIC
Final program and attendance
The final program of the Fifth Thesis Workshop CRIC, coordinated by Eva Puyuelo (ADHUC–UB) and Blanca Barreto (UB), and organized by the PhD programme Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities and the Research Center ADHUC-Theory, Gender, Sexuality. The workshop, which will be held on Friday November 10, 2017, at the Aula 0.1, in the University of Barcelona, will host many interventions that will address issues related to gender, philosophy, or authorship within an international literary framework. The participants will be Jana Baró, Irina Cruz and David Fontanals (ADHUC–UB), Yu Noguchi, Lucía Puebla, Abdallah Tagourramt and Irene Zurrón (UB), Francesca Blanch and Irene Carreño (U. Autònoma de Barcelona), and Isabel Fontbona (U. de Girona). Free attendance.
Call for papers
The Fifth Thesis Workshop CRIC will be held on Friday, November 10. Doctoral students who are in the process of writing their dissertations are invited to present their ongoing projects, focusing on the methodological and theoretical doubts and difficulties they have faced, in order to discuss their work with professors and other students of both the Master and PhD CRIC programmes.
Candidates must prepare a 15-minute talk, which will be followed by a 15-minute debate with the audience. To participate in the workshop, students must submit a proposal with a title and a 300-word abstract to before May 20, 2017. This event has been organized by the PhD programme Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities, ADHUC, and the research project Noves visions de la comunitat / Noves identitats gitanes, híbrides i sexualitzades.