Monograph Thinking about Affect in Culture and Art. 452ºF Journal of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, 14

Although the notion of affect—which can often encompass a variety of concepts such as passions, moods, sensations, feelings and emotions—has been a recurrent theme throughout the history of philosophy, recently we have witnessed an increased proliferation of academic publications. The #14 issue of 452ºF draws on the renewed interest in the role of affect in cultural theory by affect studies, particularly as it has been developed in the Anglo-Saxon world in the last two decades. The articles in this issue respond to different questions from diverse theoretical perspectives and geographical and linguistic contexts, addressing a variety of cultural productions as well as staging contemporary debates on the role of affective experience.
Editorial, Katarzyna Paszkiewicz 1
Joyful Insurrection as Feminist Methodology; or The Joys of Being a Feminist Killjoy, Libe García Zarranz 16
Is the Body an Immanent Domain? On Postsecular Affect, Jack Dudley 26
Ter saudade até que é bom. Música y afectividad en dos documentales brasileños recientes, Irene Depetris Chauvin 45
Restos de vida. Estéticas de la supervivencia y políticas afectivas de lo común en Rafael Pinedo y Carlos Ríos, Cecilia Sánchez Idiart 69
El afecto como antídoto contra la privatización y despolitización de la memoria, Anthony Nuckols 87
De la fotografía y su capacidad afeptiva, Núria Calafell Sala 105
Of Fine and Fine Feelings: Mapping Affect across Lessing's Laocoön, Lord Carteret's Quijote, and Oldfield's "Advertencias", Paul Michael Johnson 121
Dos efeitos da metáfora no dominio das paixões: (re) visão de Aristóteles no, Felipe Lima da Silva 138
Entre Contorno y Los libros, los críticos universitarios en Setecientosmonos, Judith Podlubne 157
El discurso sobre el ensayo en la cultura argentina desde mediados de los '80, Alberto Giordiano 175
Triángulos narrativos. Aproximaciones a la combinatoria de géneros en la novela contemporánea, Sergio Vidal 192
El canon fílmico a la luz de las teorías sistémicas: una propuesta metodológica, Mario de la Torre Espinosa 209
Transferential Poetics, from Poe to Warhol, by Erin Wunker 228
Queering Acts of Mourning in the Aftermath of Argentina's Dictatorship: The Performances of Blood, by Dolores Resano 231
Fiery Cinema: The Emergence of an Affective Medium in China, 1915-1945, by Iggy Cortez 235