Masculinities and Literary Studies. Intersections and New Directions

As more and more work is being done in the name of the ever-growing field of study of literary representations of masculinities, it seems timely to not only review its development and main contributions to the larger field of masculinity studies, but also to look at its latest advances and new directions. These are precisely the two main aims of Masculinities and Literary Studies, which seeks to explore the conjunction between these two fields while exploring some of the latest developments and new directions resulting from such intersections.
If much of the existing masculinity scholarship has traditionally been grounded in a specific discipline, this volume also seeks to provide an innovative methodological approach to the subject of literary masculinities by proving the applicability of the latest interdisciplinary masculinity scholarship - namely, sociology, social work, psychology, economics, political science, ecology, etc. - to the literary analysis, thus crossing the traditional boundary between the Social Sciences and the Humanities in new and profound ways.
Presenting the latest advances in masculinity scholarship, this interdisciplinary book will appeal to gender and masculinity scholars from a wide variety of fields, including sociology and social work, psychology, philosophy, political science, and cultural and literary studies.
I. Rethinking Ethnic Masculinities
The Negro Goes to War, Robert Reid-Pharr
Revisiting Masculinities from Whiteness Studies: Herman Melville’s "Benito Cereno", Josep M. Armengol
Staging Intersectionality: Beyond Gender and Race in the American theater, Barbara Ozieblo
II. Transnational Masculinities
Men Around the World: Global and Transnational Masculinities, Jeff Hearn
Transnational Legacies and Masculinity Politics in The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao, Aishih Wehbe
New Arab Masculinities: A Feminist Approach to Arab American Men in Post-9/11 Literature Written by Women, Marta Bosch
III. The Ages of Men
"Men Who Cry in Their Sleep": Ageing Male Hysteria in Martin Amis’ London Stories, Lynne Segal
Negotiating Childhood and Boyhood Boundaries: Richard Linklater’s
Boyhood and Toni Morrison’s Black Boys, Mar Gallego
Fighting the Monsters Inside: Masculinity, Agency and the Ageing Gay Man in Christopher Bram’s Father of Frankenstein, Sara Martín
IV. Masculinities and Affect
Theorizing Affective Masculinities, Todd W. Reeser
Men of War: Affect, Embodiment and Western Heroic Masculinity in Dispatches and The Hurt Locker, Katarzyna Paszkiewicz
V. Eco-Masculinities
The ‘Wild, Wild World’: Masculinity and the Environment in the American Literary Imagination, Stefan Brandt
Green Intersections: Caring Masculinities and the Environmental Crisis, Teresa Requena
VI. Masculinities and/in Capitalism
Masculinities and Financial Capitalism, Penny Griffin
Capitalism, Slavery, and Mask-ulinities: New Directions, David Leverenz
"To Love What Death Doesn’t Touch": Questioning Capitalist Masculinity in Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch, Mercè Cuenca
VII. Epilogue: Masculinity Studies: New Directions