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Studying temporarily at the UB
Studying temporarily
Further Information:

Application procedure

Online application form for admission to the UB
Documents and application deadlines

Online application form for admission to the UB

Once you have been authorized and nominated by your home university to study temporarily at the UB, you should complete the corresponding online application form. You should also make a sufficient number of copies of your application to complete the subsequent procedures.

Preliminary comments

  • Submission of this form does not mean you will be automatically accepted as a temporary visiting student at the UB. You must also complete the admission procedure corresponding to your modality of exchange.
  • Check the Academic Information section before filling in the online form.
  • Please use CAPITAL LETTERS to fill in the online application form.
  • If you see a mistake after saving your data and you want to enter changes and reprint your application form, e-mail the Manager of International Mobility at the faculty or school you wish to study in. This office will reply in due course, informing you that your application form has been modified or cancelled, as you have requested. If the application is cancelled they will inform you that you can re-record your data.
  • If you need to print a new copy of your online application form once you have saved and confirmed your data, you can do it by going to the first screen and entering the application code.
  • The students coming from non-EU countries will have to complete the acceptance procedure beforehand to avoid delays on the visa submission and issuance. Otherwise they will not be able to arrive to Barcelona on duly time.
Formulari d'estades temporals


Language requirements

The UB requires to have a B1 as the minimum level necessary of knowledge in at least one of the three languages (Catalan, Spanish or English), depending on the teaching language of the chosen courses.

For more information about language requirements you can contact with the Manager of International Mobility at the faculty or school you wish to study in.

Information about the teaching languages:


Documents and application deadlines for requesting admission at the UB according to your modality of exchange

A) Students on the Erasmus+ program: Studies

B) Students on the Erasmus+ program: Placement

C) Students on the Erasmus+ program: Doctorate

D) Students on the Erasmus+ program: Associated Countries


F) Students covered by Global Faculty UB

G) Students covered by Global Studies with Associated Countries

H) Students covered by Global Placement with Associated Countries

I) Students covered by STUDY ABROAD



A. Students on the Erasmus+ Studies


You home university will have to send your nomination to the Manager of International Mobility at the hosting UB centre within the deadline.


The following documents should be sent to the Manager of International Mobility in which you intend to study within the deadline:

  • One copy of your online application form for admission duly completed and signed by your tutor at your home university. Check the Academic Information section before filling in the online form.
  • A copy of the IdCard with your personal data.
  • Transcript of Records.
  • Certificate of language proficiency (check the "Language requirements" section).
  • Additional documents requested by the Hosting Faculty.


The Manager of International Mobility at the faculty or school where you wish to study will contact you formally to confirm whether or not you have been accepted.

Remember to visit our webpage Before arriving at the UBto consult the check-list of what you will need to do to live and study in Barcelona.


B. Students on the Erasmus+ Placement


Firstly, it is necessary to obtain the acceptance from a department or service at the UB.

Once you have the acceptance, the following documents should be sent to the Manager of International Mobility (in case of a placement in a Department) or to the Mobility and International Programmes Office (placement in General service) in which you intend to study:

  • One copy of your online application form for admission duly completed and signed by your tutor at your home university.
  • A certificate signed by your home University attesting your participation on the program.
  • Acceptance document from the department or service that will host you.
  • A copy of the IdCard with your personal data.
  • Certificate of language proficiency (check the “Language requirements” section).


You should send the documents listed above to your intended faculty or school at the UB no later than one month before the arrival.

Remember to visit our webpage Before arriving at the UB to consult the check-list of what you will need to do to live and study in Barcelona.


C. Students on the Erasmus+ Doctorate

All necessary information regarding the application procedure and acceptance will be provided by the Doctoral School of the UB:



Nomination and Application documents:

The International Relations Office from the student's Home University must nominate the student sending an email to indicating the students' details, Faculty of destination and period of stay. Besides, the International relations office must send the following documents:

  • One copy of your online application form for admission, duly completed, signed and stamped by your home university (Check the Academic Information section before filling in the online form.
  • A copy of the IdCard with your personal data.
  • 1 passport-sized photograph.
  • A certificate signed by your home university attesting your participation on the program.
  • Transcript of records.
  • Language level accreditation (check the "Language requirements" section).

Specific requirements:

  • If you are applying to study at the Faculty of Fine Arts, then you must also send:
  • Portfolio, in DIN A4 format, with samples of the work you have completed.
  • Motivation Letter.
  • CV.


The Manager of International Mobility at the faculty of destination will send the acceptance letter to the student. Besides, the acceptance letter will be sent to the home university's coordinator.

Remember to visit our webpage Before arriving at the UB to consult the check-list of what you will need to do to live and study in Barcelona.


F. Estudiants de modalitat: GLOBAL FACULTY UB


You home university will have to send your nomination to the Manager of International Mobility at the hosting UB centre within the deadline.


The following documents should be sent to the Manager of International Mobility in which you intend to study within the deadline:

  • One copy of your online application form for admission duly completed and signed by your tutor at your home university. Check the Academic Information section before filling in the online form.
  • A copy of the IdCard with your personal data.
  • Transcript of Records.
  • Certificate of language proficiency (check the "Language requirements" section).
  • Additional documents requested by the Hosting Faculty.


The Manager of International Mobility at the faculty of destination will send the acceptance letter to the student. Besides, the acceptance letter will be sent to the home university's coordinator.

Remember to visit our webpage Before arriving at the UB to consult the check-list of what you will need to do to live and study in Barcelona.


G. Students covered by Global Studies with Associated Countries

Students, coming from British institutions within in TURING SCHEME, who will take courses during their mobility period at the UB.


You home university will have to send your nomination to the Manager of International Mobility at the hosting UB centre within the deadline.


The following documents should be sent to the Manager of International Mobility in which you intend to study within the deadline:

  • One copy of your online application form for admission duly completed and signed by your tutor at your home university. Check the Academic Information section before filling in the online form.
  • A copy of the IdCard with your personal data.
  • Transcript of Records.
  • Certificate of language proficiency (check the "Language requirements" section).
  • • Additional documents requested by the Hosting Faculty.


The Manager of International Mobility at the faculty of destination will send the acceptance letter to the student. Besides, the acceptance letter will be sent to the home university's coordinator.

Remember to visit our webpage Before arriving at the UB to consult the check-list of what you will need to do to live and study in Barcelona.


H. Students covered by Global Placement with Associated Countries

Students, coming from British institutions within in TURING SCHEME, who will take courses during their mobility period at the UB.


Firstly, it is necessary to obtain the acceptance from a department or service at the UB.

Once you have the acceptance, the following documents should be sent to the Manager of International Mobility (in case of a placement in a Department) or to the Mobility and International Programmes Office (placement in General service) in which you intend to study:

  • One copy of your online application form for admission duly completed and signed by your tutor at your home university.
  • Certificat de la participació en el programa per part dels òrgans competents de la institució d'origen.
  • A copy of the IdCard with your personal data.
  • Document d'acceptació per part del departament o servei que acull la vostra estada a la UB.
  • Certificate of language proficiency (check the "Language requirements" section).


You should send the documents listed above to your intended faculty or school at the UB no later than one month before the arrival.

Remember to visit our webpage Before arriving at the UB to consult the check-list of what you will need to do to live and study in Barcelona.


I. Students covered by STUDY ABROAD

You should ask your home institution, or the Manager of International Mobility at the faculty or school where you wish to study, which documents you will need to submit and the deadlines for doing so.

Remember to visit our webpage Before arriving at the UB to consult the check-list of what you will need to do to live and study in Barcelona.

Students of the agreements with CASA, CIEE, University of California and Reed College:




  • To be enrolled in foreign universities or higher education institutions for official university degrees similar to those offered by the UB for which enrolment is being sought, and where such studies have yet to be completed.
  • To have successfully completed a full academic year or obtained a minimum of sixty teaching credits in subjects related to the exchange, except for second-cycle or official postgraduate students.
  • To be able to demonstrate appropriate knowledge of Catalan, Spanish or English (according to "Language requisites" section).
  • To be authorized by their sending university to complete part of their studies at the UB.

The students who apply individually must pay the registration of courses at the home University as well as at the UB. Prices established by the UB regulation (approved by Consell Social) are the following:

Academic year
Credit prices (*)




Bachelor Degree




Master Degree




(*) Prices can be different at the Affiliated Centres.

If you have institutional support for these fees, either fully or partially, you must inform the Manager of International Mobility at the UB faculty or school in which you intend to study and submit the attesting documents.


The following documents should be sent to the Manager of International Mobility at the faculty or school where you wish to study:

  • One copy of your online application form for admission signed by your tutor at your home university (Check the Academic Information section before filling in the online form.
  • A letter of introduction from the student, signed by a member of staff from your home university.
  • A copy of the IdCard with your personal data.
  • List of subjects you have studied at university and the grades awarded (Original document and the translation in either Catalan, Spanish or English, note that this document does not have to be translated by a sworn translator).
  • The curriculum of the degree at the home university (original document and translation, as above).
  • Certificate of language proficiency (check the "Language requirements" section).
  • In case of an institutional support for the enrolment fees fully or partially, you must submit the attesting documents either.

Specific requirements:

  • • If you are applying to study at the Faculty of Fine Arts, then you must also send:
    • Portfolio, in DIN A4 format, with samples of the work you have completed.
    • Motivation Letter.
    • CV.
  • If you are applying to study at the Faculty of Economics and Business you can check the specific requirements at the following website:


The Manager of International Mobility at the faculty of destination will send the acceptance letter to the student. Besides, the acceptance letter will be sent to the home university's coordinator acceptats.

Remember to visit our webpage Before arriving at the UB to consult the check-list of what you will need to do to live and study in Barcelona.