El equipo de Paisajes Espirituales ha desarrollado A voice of their own: Women's Spirituality in the Middle Ages, un curso online y gratuito que sirve como introducción a los diferentes paisajes a través de los cuales se manifiesta la espiritualidad femenina en la edad media.
El curso se ofrece en inglés con subtítulos en inglés, castellano y catalán (para facilitar la comprensión) y surge de los resultados de la investigación llevada a cabo por el equipo de Paisajes Espirituales.
Coordinadora: Delfi I. Nieto-Isabel
A continuación podéis ver el programa del MOOC:
UNIT 1: A voice of their own. Introduction
1.1 Spiritual context: nuns, Beguines, the awakening of the laity, mendicant orders – Blanca Garí (U. of Barcelona)
1.2 Evolution of female monasticism: from double monasteries to Benedictine and Cistercian nuns, Poor Clares and Dominican nuns – Raquel Alonso (U. of Oviedo)
1.3 New Mysticism – Blanca Garí (U. of Barcelona)
1.4 Persecution and Dissent: The Perspective of the Church – Delfi Nieto (U. of Barcelona)
1.5 Women Changing Spaces: the effect of female spirituality on the territory and the city – Núria Jornet (U. of Barcelona)
Optional videos:
1.6 Women and Confraternities – Concha Rodríguez (U. of Barcelona)
1.7 Women on the Move – Núria Jornet (U. of Barcelona)
UNIT 2: The House of the Heart. Female Nunneries in the Middle Ages
2.1 Pre-mendicant monasticism – Raquel Alonso (U. of Oviedo)
2.2 Mendicant nuns – Silvia Pérez (Pablo de Olavide University)
2.3 Enclosure – Laura Cayrol (EHESS)
2.4 The Daily Rythm of the Nunnery – Núria Jornet (U. of Barcelona)
2.5 Books and Archives in the Convent – Núria Jornet (U. of Barcelona)
Optional videos:
2.6 Benefactors, sponsors, and promoters – Laura Cayrol (EHESS)
2.7 Founding Queens: Isabel of Portugal, Sança of Mallorca, Elisenda de Montcada – Filomena Andrade (Universidade Aberta de Portugal)
UNIT 3: The Space Within. Female Mysticism in the Middle Ages
3.1 Hildegard of Bingen – Victoria Cirlot (Pompeu Fabra University)
3.2 The convent of Helfta – Marimar Graña (Pontifical University of Comillas)
3.3 Hadewijch of Antwerp and Courtly Mysticism – Blanca Garí (U. of Barcelona)
3.4 Marguerite Porète – Blanca Garí (U. of Barcelona)
3.5 Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe – David Carrillo (U. of Barcelona)
Optional videos:
3.6 Isabel de Villena and the tradition of the Vita Christi – Blanca Garí (U. of Barcelona)
3.7 Bridget of Sweden – David Carrillo (U. of Barcelona)
UNIT 4: Voices of Dissent
4.1 Good Women: The Female Side of Catharism – Daniela Müller (Nijmegen University)
4.2 Preaching Voices: The Role of Women among the Poor of Lyon – Delfi Nieto (U. of Barcelona)
4.3 Guglielmites: A Heresy in the Name of a Woman – Janine Larmon Peterson (Marist College New York)
4.4 The Burned Beguines of Languedoc – Delfi Nieto (U. of Barcelona)
4.5 Inquisitors and women – Delfi Nieto (U. of Barcelona)
Optional videos:
4.6 Curbing dissidence: From Beguines to Nuns – João Luís Fontes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
4.7 The alumbradas: 16th-century heretics? – Ángela Muñoz (U. of Castilla-La Mancha)
UNIT 5: Spiritual Landscapes
5.1 An Atlas of Female Spirituality (CLAUSTRA) – Núria Jornet (U. of Barcelona)
5.2 Nunneries and the Territory – Xavi Costa, Maria Soler (U. of Barcelona)
5.3 Nunneries in the city – Gemma Colesanti (CNR, Italy), Antonio Bertini (CNR, Italy), Maria Soler (U. of Barcelona)
5.4 Reconstructing Spaces – Caroline Bruzelius (Duke University)
5.5 The Observant Reformation – Marimar Graña (Pontifical University of Comillas)
Optional videos:
5.6 Medieval Spaces Today – Lucila Mallart (U. of Nottingham)
5.7 Women & Assistance – Pol Bridgewater (U. of Barcelona)
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