Notícies - Portada

06 Febrer 2020

Taller de Lectura Crítica Sounds of the Daureb: implications of San socio-spatial perception

ARTSOUNDSCAPES LOGO final ERC orange 400 dTaller de Lectura Crítica Sounds of the Daureb: implications of San socio-spatial perception  que la Dra. Doerte Weig, investigadora del projecte Artsoundscapes, impartirà el el proper dimarts 11 de febrer a les 14:00 h al  Seminari de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de la Facultat de Geografia i Història de la UB.

29 Gener 2020

ERAAUB is organizing the Conference: Human settlement and paleoecology of the southern African interior during the Middle Stone Age

Michael Toffolo, Junior Research Chair Institut de Recherche sur les Archéomatériaux-Centre de Recherche en Physique Appliquée à l’Archéologie (IRAMAT-CRP2A), UMR 5060 CNRS, Bordeaux Montaigne University, France

The conference will take place on: Wednesday, February 5th. At 12h pm at room 209 (2nd floor)/ aculty of Geography and History, c/Montalegre, 6-8, 08001 Barcelona

23 Gener 2020

Conferència Universals in Music? Perspectives from Ethnomusicology and Music Archaeology

Conferència Universals in Music? Perspectives from Ethnomusicology and Music Archaeology que Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos, investigadora del projecte Artsoundscapes, impartirà el el proper dimarts 28 de gener a les 15:00 h a la Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Psicologia, Campus Mundet, UB.

17 Gener 2020

Ceremonies, feasts and festivities in Ancient Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean World: Performance and Participation

malammu prehist

Ninth Workshop of the Melammu Project / Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona / 29-31 January 2020

Organiser: Rocío Da Riva

The meeting is sponsored by the ICREA Acadèmia Research Award and the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona

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