
Authors Date Name of publication. Magazine. Number, pages ISSN
García-Aljaro, C.; Muniesa, M.; Blanco, J. E.; Blanco, M.; Blanco, J.; Jofre, J., ; Blanch, A. R. 2005 Characterization of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Isolated from Aquatic EnvironmentsFEMS Microbiology Letters, 246,  55-65 0378-1097
García-Aljaro, C.; Bonjoch, X. ; Blanch, A. R. 2005 Combined use of an Immunomagnetic Separation Method and Immunoblotting for the Enumeration and Isolation of E. coli O157 in WastewatersJournal of Applied Microbiology, 98,  589-597 1364-5072
Brion, G.; Viswanathan, C.; Neelakantan, T. R.; Lingireddy, S.; Girones, R.; Lees, D.; Allard, A.; Vantarakis, A. 2005 Artificial neural network prediction of viruses in shellfish. Appl Environ Microbiol. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(9),  5244-5253 0099-2240
Girones, R. 2005 Human viruses in the environment. Journal Of Environmental Engineering And Science, 4(6),  iii-iv 1496-2551
Bofill-Mas, S.; Clemente-Casares, P.; Albiñana-Giménez, N.; Maluquer de Motes, C.; Hundesa, A.; Girones, R. 2005 Efectos sobre la salud de la contaminación de agua y alimentos por virus emergentes humanos. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 79(2),  253-269 1135-5727
Vilanova, X.; Blanch, A.R. 2005 Distribution and persistance of faecal bacterial populations in liquid and dewatered sludge from a biological treatment plant. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 51(6),  361-368 0022-1260
Kühn, I.; Iversen, A.; Finn, M.; Greko, C.; Burman, L.G.; Blanch, A.R.; Vilanova, X.; Manero, A.; Taylor, H.; Caplin, J.; Dominguez, L.; Herrero, I.A.; Moreno, M.A.; Möllby, R. 2005 Occurrence of relatedness of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in animals, humans, and the environment in different European regions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(8),  5383-5390 0099-2240
García-Aljaro, C.; Muniesa, M.; Blanco, J.E.; Blanco, M.; Blanco, J.; Jofre, J.; Blanch, A.R. 2005 Characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolated from aquatic environments. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 246(1),  55-65 0378-1097
Buti, M.; Clemente-Casares, P.; Jardi, R.; Formiga-Cruz, M.; Schaper, M.; Valdes, A.; Rodriguez-Frias, F.; Esteban, R.; Girones, R. 2005 Sporadic Cases of Acute Autochthonous Hepatitis E in Spain. Journal of Hepatology, 41,  126-131 0168-8278
Formiga-Cruz, M.; Hundesa, A.; Clemente-Casares, P.; Albiñana-Giménez, N.; Allard, A.; Girones, R. 2005 Nested Multiplex PCR assay for detection of human enteric viruses in shellfish and sewage. Journal of Virological Methods, 125(115),  111 0166-0934