
Authors Date Name of publication. Magazine. Number, pages ISSN
Bofill-Mas, S.; Albinana-Gimenez, N.; Clemente-Casares, P.; Hundesa, A.; Rodriguez-Manzano, J.; Allard, A.;Calvo, M.; Girones, R. 2006 Quantification and stability of human adenoviruses and polyomavirus JCPyV in wastewater matrices. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(12),  7894-7896 0099-2240
Albinana-Gimenez, N.; Clemente-Casares, P.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Hundesa, A.; Ribas, F.; Girones, R. 2006 Distribution of human polyomaviruses, adenoviruses, and Hepatitis E viruses in the environment and in a drinking water treatment plant. Environmental Science & Technology, 40(23),  7416-7422 0013-936X
Mesa,R.J.; Blanc,V.; Blanch,A.R.; Cortes,P.; Gonzalez,J.J.; Lavilla,S.; Miro,E.; Muniesa,M.; Saco,M.; Tortola,M.T.; Mirelis,B.; Coll,P.; Llagostera,M.; Prats,G.; Navarro,F. 2006 Extended-spectrum {beta}-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in different environments (humans, food, animal farms and sewage)plant. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 58(1),  211-215 0305-7453
Serra-Moreno, R.; Acosta,S.;Hernalsteens, J.-P.;Jofre,J.; Muniesa,M. 2006 Use of the lambda Red recombinase system to produce recombinant prophages carrying antibiotic resistance genes. Bmc Molecular Biology, 7,  31-42 1471-2199
Muniesa, M.; Jofre, J.; Garcia-Aljaro, C.; Blanch, A.R. 2006 Occurrence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli in the environment. Environmental Science & Technology, 40,  7141-7149 0013-936X
J.J. Kamma; Bradshaw, D.J.; Fulford, M.R.;Marsh, P.D; Frandsen, E.; Ostergaard, E.; Schel, A.J.; Ten Cate, J.M.; Moorer, W.R.; Mavridou, A.;Mandilara, G; Stoesser,G.; Kneist S.; Araujo, R.; Contreras, N.; Goroncy-Bermes P; Burke, F.; O'Mullane D.; O'Sullivan and Walker, J.T. 2006 Attitudes of general dental practitioners in Europe to the microbial risk associated with dental unit water systems. International Dental Journal, 56,  187-195 0020-6539
Schel, A.J.; Marsh, P.D.; Bradshaw, D.J.; Finney, M.; Fulford, M.R.; Frandsen, E.; Ostergaard, E.; ten Cate, J.M.; Moorer, W.R.; Mavridou, A.; Kamma,JJ; Mandilara,G; Stosser,L; Kneist,S; Araujo, R.; Contreras, N.; Goroncy-Bermes,P; O'Mullane, D; Burke,F; O´Reilly,P; Hourigan, G; O´Sullivan,M; Holman,R; Walker, J.T. 2006 Comparison of the efficacy of disinfectants to control microbial contamination in dental unit waters systems in general dental practices across the European Union. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72,  1380-1387 0099-2240
Mesa, R. J.; Blanc, V.; Blanch, A. R.; Cortés, P.; González, J. J.; Lavilla, S.; Mirelis, B.; Miró, E.; Muniesa, M.; Saco, M.; Tórtola, M.T.; Coll, P.; Llagostera, M.; Prats, G.; Navarro, F. 2006 Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in human infections, fecal carriers, fecal carriers affected by food-borne outbreaks, cooked and uncooked food, animal farms and human sewage. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 58(1),  211-215 0305-7453
Muniesa, M.; Schembri, M. A.; Hauf, N.; Chakraborty, T. 2006 Active genetic elements present in the Locus of Enterocyte Effacement (LEE) in Escherichia coli O26 and their role on mobility. Infection and Immunity, 74(7),  4190-4199 0019-9567
García-Aljaro, C.; Muniesa, M.; Jofre, J.; Blanch, A. R. 2006 Newly identified bacteriophages carrying the stx2g Shiga toxin gene isolated from Escherichia coli strains in polluted waters. FEMS Microbiology Letters(258),  127-135 0378-1097