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Staff directory

Álvarez Parra, Sergio

Álvarez Parra, Sergio

Sedimentary Geology
Phone: +34 934 020 177
Group Web
Personal Web
I am interested in taphonomy, paleoecology and paleoentomology. My current research is focused on the study of Early Cretaceous amber and fossil insects from the Iberian Peninsula.
Ambroso Stefano

Ambroso Stefano

Biology of conservation in marine ecosystems (MedRecover)
Group Web
Stefano Ambroso is going to study marine biology at the University of Trieste (Italy) and is going to license in December 2010 with the presentation of the research project “Spatial distribution patterns of the soft corals Alcyonium acaule and Alcyonium palmatum in coastal bottoms (Cap de Creus, north-west). Mediterrani Sea). CSIC. Its research activity is related to ecology and the spatial distribution patterns of benthic communities. It has participated in numerous marine research projects (MAPUCHE, BENTOLARV, LIFE-INDEMARES, ECOSAFIMED, RESCAP and MITICAP) related to conservation. and management of the Mediterranean coastal zones. The doctoral thesis will be carried out under the direction of Josep Maria Gili and Nuria Teixidó Ullod. The doctoral project aimed to understand the structure and dynamics of the Antarctic macrobenthonic communities dominated by long-lived species of the Weddell Sea Currently you have a postdoctoral position at the University of Barcelona, the project aims to understand the population dynamics of deep benthic communities using remotely operated vehicles (ROV).
Capdevila, Pol
My research aims to better understand the resilience of species to global change in order to develop effective management and conservation tools. To do this, I combine the use of small-scale experiments, field data, large-scale data, along with a wide variety of modeling techniques, to better understand, predict and manage their dynamics and promote their resilience.
de Manuel Montero, Marc

de Manuel Montero, Marc

Molecular Evolutionary Genetics - Mutation Dynamics lab
Group Web
Personal Web
Our lab aims at unraveling the complexities of mutation across cellular and evolutionary scales. Our focus spans from understanding germline mutations in mammalian spermatogenesis to characterizing DNA damage responses across primates. This multidisciplinary approach aims to shed light on the fundamental mechanisms driving mutation and their implication in evolution and disease
Domenech Andreu, Marc

Domenech Andreu, Marc

Sistemàtica i Evolució Zoològica (ZooSysEvo) 
Group Web
Personal Web
I work in resolving the phylogeny of chelicerates and their terrestrialization processes using a phylogenomic approach
Drago , Massimiliano

Drago , Massimiliano

Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT) 
Phone: 934031368
Personal Web
• Trophic ecology, Population ecology, Ecophysiology, Marine Mammals, Interaction with Fisheries • Research line focused on trophic ecology studies on marine mammals using, among other techniques, the stable isotope analysis to estimate trophic position and trophic niche diversity, diet diversity, predator plasticity and evaluate the variations of these parameters to different temporary scales and in different scenarios that include competition with fishing and environmental variability among others
Ersoy Ferhat, Zeynep

Ersoy Ferhat, Zeynep

FEHM (Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management)
Group Web
Personal Web
My research centers on understanding the response of aquatic food webs to global climate crisis and other environmental perturbations (e.g., eutrophication, salinization, microplastics), using approaches ranging from mesocosm experiments to biodiversity monitoring to investigate trophic interactions, energy transfer, ecosystem functioning and health.
Garcia-Garin, Odei

Garcia-Garin, Odei

Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT) 
Group Web
Personal Web
Postdoctoral researcher focused on the study of the abundance and distribution of marine litter and its impact on marine vertebrates.

Gómez Gras, Daniel

Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemes marins (MedRecover) 
Group Web
Personal Web
González Delgado, Sara

González Delgado, Sara

Marine Biodiversity and Evolution 
Group Web
Personal Web
Postdoctoral researcher in the field of molecular marine ecology, specialized in the study of population genomics in marine invertebrates
Gras Mas, Airy

Gras Mas, Airy

Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB) 
Personal Web
PhD in biology specializing in ethnobotany. My research focuses on the inventory and conservation of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity with the aim of preserving this heritage and forming the basis for future research to obtain new medicines, food and other products related to human well-being. Currently, as part of the Margarita Salas grant, I am doing a postdoctoral fellowship at Emory University (Atlanta, USA), in order to train in phytochemistry and microbiology and thus associate the medicinal uses of the plants mentioned in the ethnobotany in the Catalan language with its active compounds and test its activity.
Guirao Rico, Sara

Guirao Rico, Sara

Molecular Evolutionary Genetics 
Phone: 934035304
Group Web
Our main research interests are understanding the mechanisms underlying molecular adaptation. We combine theoretical, analytical and experimental approaches, some of them developed in our group, to determine the relative role of the principal evolutionary forces in driving species diversification and in promoting genetic innovations. For that, we analyze both DNA sequence data generated in our lab (NGS data) and genomic data retrieved from databases, always within the framework of comparative and population genomics / transcriptomics. An important part of our work is focused on the origin and evolution of multigene families involved in the chemosensory system of invertebrates. We also actively develop and / or maintain software for the analysis of genetic and genomic variation in different contexts.
Kersting, Diego

Kersting, Diego

Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemes marins (MedRecover) 
Group Web
Personal Web
His research is focused on vulnerable species and habitats, global change impacts on marine ecosystems, and the role of MPAs as sentinel sites and laboratories to better understand responses and recovery processes
Militão, Teresa

Militão, Teresa

Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT) 
Phone: 934021041
Group Web
Personal Web
Monastiri, Abir

Monastiri, Abir

Personal Web
 My PhD research work was the first epidemiological study in Tunisia to provide information on the West Nile virus transmission cycle during the 2012 meningoencephalitis epidemic in the Tunisian Sahel region. The study also reports the circulation of a strain of West Nile "Kunjin-like" virus never previously detected in Tunisia. My current research focuses on bats and rodents as natural reservoirs of various emerging infectious viral diseases such as coronaviruses.
Montseny Cuscó, Maria

Montseny Cuscó, Maria

Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemes marins (MedRecover) 
Group Web
Her resarch line focusses on conservation an ecological restoration of mesophotic and deep marine ecosystems, mainly dominated by corals and gorgonians species.
Morales Fernández, Melanie

Morales Fernández, Melanie

Antioxidants en Agrobiotecnologia _ ANTIOX – Ecophys 
Group Web
Personal Web
My main research is focused on the study of photoprotection and antioxidant mechanisms in plants live under extreme environments (extremophytes)
Pegueroles Queralt, Cinta

Pegueroles Queralt, Cinta

Marine Biodiversity and Evolution
Group Web
Personal Web
Evolution, population genomics and bioinformatics. I am interested in understanding how genomes evolve, specifically focusing on adaptation on both coding and non coding regions
Pérez Llorca, Marina

Pérez Llorca, Marina

Group Web
Section of Plant Physiology of the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Evolution and Environmental Sciences
Rosselló Xamena, Maria

Rosselló Xamena, Maria

Evolutionary novelties at the origin of winged insects
Group Web
My research is based on understanding the genetic mechanisms responsible for the development of new structures. To do so, I use as a model organism the mayfly Cloeon dipterum. In this animal, I'm interested in studying the genetic network responsible for the formation of the turbanated eye.
Torres Águila, Nuria Paz

Torres Águila, Nuria Paz

Evolució i Desenvolupament (EvoDevoCat)
Group Web
Personal Web
Study of the adaptability of chordate Oikopleura dioica to climate change.
Tosal Alcobé, Aixa

Tosal Alcobé, Aixa

Sedimentary Geology Research Group
Phone: 934021327
Group Web
Taxonomy, sedimentology, tafonomy and paleoclimatology of the continental environment from fossil vegetal macrests. I mainly worked on the Eocene-Oligocene traffic.

Viladrich Canudas, Núria

2017SGR1521 Biologia de la conservació dels ecosistemes marins
Group Web
Personal Web
My research line is focused on coral and gorgonians’ reproduction and energetics, primarily about their relationship with species resilience and resistance to natural and human induced impacts