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I am a benthic researcher embedded in the polar regions.I study the marine invertebrate communities of Antarctica.For the past 10 years I have been dedicated to assessing the biodiversity of Antarctic invertebrates at different levels.From chemical ecology and the production of natural products, to the distribution and abundance of shallow benthic communities.I am currently applying Metabarcoding techniques to assess the biodiversity of the hard bottoms of the Antarctic Peninsula.
My research consists of the application of CRISPR technology in different organisms such as Oikopleura dioica and Blattella germanica to obtain the insertion of reporter genes into the genome that allow us to understand the gene networks involved in the development of different structures.
Fontelles Ramonet, Ferran
Frías Lopez, Cristina
Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics (EG&B) and Computational Genomics And Evolution
cristinafriaslopez@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
We are interested to understand the mechanisms underlying genomic evolution and adaptation, from individual genes and gene families in the arthropoda group using NGS data
Garcia Giménez, Sònia
Sònia Garcia
Garcia-Porta, Joan
Evolutionary Genomics & Bioinformatics (EGB) Research Group
jgarciaporta@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
I am an evolutionary biologist interested in understanding the ecological processes that produce and modulate phenotypic and species diversity. I study these processes in four general realms: (1) the evolution in insular systems, (2) the causes of global radiations, (3) the adaptation to climate and climate change and (4) the evolutionary consequences of innovations. I approach my research from a broad perspective, working at the interface between molecular phylogenetics, functional morphology, GIS analyses and statistical modeling.
Garnatje Roca Mº Teresa
Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàticavegetals (GReB)
Ibáñez Cortina, Neus
Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàticavegetals (GReB)
Kolokotronis, Stergios-Orestis
Librado Sanz, Pablo
López Pujol, Jordi
Malumbres Olarte, Jagoba
Martínez Ricart, Aurora
Massó Alemán, Sergi
Medrano Cuevas, Alba
Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemesmarins (MedRecover)
albamedranocuevas@gmail.com Group Web Personal Web
Alba Medrano is a postdoctoral researcher. Her main research interest is centered on the ecology and marine conservation of coastal benthic communities. Currently, her research focuses on understanding the consequences of marine heat waves on Mediterranean benthic species, mainly by combining long-term environmental and ecological datasets with biological monitoring. Alba has been involved in long-term biological monitoring of Medes Islands Protected Area, Cap de Creus Natural Park, and Port-Cros Natural Park since 2015.
Monroy López, Mario Armando
Mora Mayoral, Berta
Naulart Dexeus, Neus
Pagès Escolà, Marta
Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemesmarins (MedRecover)
mpagesescola@gmail.com Group Web
Study of the ecology and conservation of marine benthic communities under climate change scenario.