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Antioxidants en Agrobiotecnologia _ ANTIOX – Ecophys
laia.jene@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
Predoctoral student in the field of plant physiology. My research is based on the study of holoparasitic plants and their physiological mechanisms to succes in parasitism, at the same time as the consequences they have on the host.
Jordi Torres, Olga
Ecologia, comportament i conservació de la biodiversitat (ECOCONS)
Lampou, Anastasia
FEHM (Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management)
anastasia_lampou@hotmail.com Group Web Personal Web
PhD title: 'Theoretical and applied issues of aquatic biodiversity at Greek Islands" My research interests are on: a) Ecology, Phylogeny, Biogeography and Taxonomy of aquatic macroinvertebrates, primarily caddisflies (Trichoptera), damselflies/dragonflies (Odonata) and stoneflies (Plecoptera), b) Bioassessment of Mediterranean Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (IRES) & c) Conservation and Protection of endangered freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate species (with emphasis on endemic species) and Conservation and Protection of Freshwater and Wetlands Ecosystems.
Lecegui Carnero, Victor
FORESTREAM. Research Group on Forest and Stream Ecological Links: Watershed Management and Restoration
lecegui@ub.edu Group Web
My research focuses on patterns of diversity in peatland communities at different scales. I generally work with vascular plants, bryophytes and microeukaryotes (metabarcoding) and I like to incorporate a perspective of phylogenetic and functional diversity in my studies.
López-Rodríguez, Nieves
FEHM (FreshwaterEcology, Hydrologyand Management)
nlopezro@ub.edu Group Web
FORESTREAM. Research Group on ForestandStreamEcological Links: Watershed Management andRestoration
amanigama@gmail.com Group Web
The objective of my thesis is to determine the spatial and temporal effects of dam decommissioning on the net carbon dioxide and methane fluxes, and the remobilization of sedimentary organic carbon (OC) in a water reservoir. Supervisor: Biel Obrador
Her thesis focuses on the emergent nesting of two sea turtle species in the western Mediterranean: the loggerhead turtle and the green turtle.
The first step of the thesis has been the exploration of non-invasive methodologies to be able to obtain biological samples from which to extract quality DNA. On the other hand, in the thesis, a genomic monitoring of the nests is carried out in order to be able to know the origin of the breeding individuals, to evaluate the genetic viability of the potential population, as well as to be able to reconstruct its pedigree.
In addition, he is also interested in determining the impact of the original population on the ecological strategies of the new population, combining genomic data with stable isotopes and satellite telemetry techniques.
Marín Fernández, Juan Manuel
Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàticavegetals (GReB)
jmeirin@gmail.com Group Web
Marquerie Córdoba, Manuel
Sistemàtica i EvolucióZoològica (ZooSysEvo)
mmarqbio@gmail.com Group Web
Student of the doctoral program in biodiversity. My research focuses on the biodiversity of spiders, specifically community ecology and taxonomy.
I am a biologist with a master’s degree in terrestrial ecology and biodiversity management. My main interests focus on biodiversity, evolutinary ecology, and animal population ecology. Currently I am doing my PhD on host-gut microbiota interactions, exploring the functional role gut microbiota may have in the host adaptation, using island populations of the Balearic wall lizard (Podarcis lilfordi).
My interests are focused on molecular, metabolic and ecological studies to identify potential local adaptation of echinoderms to different environmental variables and natural gradients, in order to assess their potential vulnerability and resilience to future effects of climate change.
Martínez Romero, Aitor
Sistemàtica i EvolucióZoològica (ZooSysEvo)
aitor.martinez@ub.edu Personal Web
Medrano Martinez, Fernando
Grup de recerca en ecologiatròfica i del movimentdelsvertebrats (ECOVERT)
fernandomedranomartinez@gmail.com Group Web Personal Web
My PhD thesis work is focused in understanding the drivers and ecological/demographic consequences of the segregation of the breeding time in petrels
I have always been amazed of our world, especially the ocean. That's why I want to focus on improving its conditions. I'm a biologist specialized in Ecology, Management and Restoration of the Natural Environment. Currently working on my PhD studying marine debris of Antarctica.
Evolutionary genomics of spiders of the Dysdera genus
Ordax Sommer, Nicolás
Ecologia, comportament i conservació de la biodiversitat (ECOCONS)
nordaxso49@alumnes.ub.edu Group Web
My work is on the ecology and conservation of avian scavengers in a humanized landscape in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. I am interested in the role that different food resources play in shaping the movement and space use of vultures.
Orriols Vernet, Maria
Research group in plant biodiversity and biosystematics (GReB)
mariaorriolsv@gmail.com Group Web
Research in ethnobotany in Berguedà.
Otalora Acevedo, Katherin Eliana Alejandra
katherinhotalora1@gmail.com Group Web
My name is Katherin Otálora. Biologist from the Universidad Pedagogíca y Tecnologíca de Colombia. Master in Biological Sciences - Evolutionary Biology from University of Chile and currently PhD student in Biodiversity, comparative genomics. Experienced in the areas of bioinformatics, genetics, conservation, evolution, scientific data analysis and project management. I derive joy from sharing science and collaborate on community projects with organizations dedicated to disseminating scientific knowledge and preserving biodiversity (Fundación Motiva Inteligencia colectiva, Fundacion FUNMAJO). Skilled in analyze data, interpret and obtain results. Karateka and nature lover.
Ouled-Cheikh Bonan, Jazel
Grup de recerca en ecologiatròfica i del movimentdelsvertebrats (ECOVERT)
jouled-cheikh@ub.edu Personal Web
Pasques Vila, Ot
Antioxidants en Agrobiotecnologia _ ANTIOX – Ecophys
opasques@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
Research on the high mountain flora of the Pyrenees focused on the physiology and longevity of tree and herbaceous species as well as their importance and ecosystemic role.
My thesis is focused on the genomics of the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), within this research there are three main approaches. On the one hand, the study of the recent colonization of the species on the coasts of Spain and its relationship with climate change. In addition to this, we are working on generating a genomic database that allows to identify the population of origin of the organisms that feed in the Western Mediterranean Sea. And finally, a global study of the whole genome of individuals from different Regional Management Units to identify structural variants (inversions, deletions, etc.).
Peña Kairath, Constanza
Geologia Sedimentària IP: Xavier Delclòs
cpenakai7@alumnes.ub.edu Group Web
My field of interest is paleoentomology, specifically the paleobiology and paleoecology of pollination relationship between insects and plants in Cretaceous amber