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I am a biologist with a master’s degree in terrestrial ecology and biodiversity management. My main interests focus on biodiversity, evolutinary ecology, and animal population ecology. Currently I am doing my PhD on host-gut microbiota interactions, exploring the functional role gut microbiota may have in the host adaptation, using island populations of the Balearic wall lizard (Podarcis lilfordi).
Martí Alsina, Bernat
2021 SGR 01073 Conservation biology in marine ecosystems (MEDRECOVER) UB-UdG-CSIC
b.marti@ub.edu Group Web
He graduated in Biology at the University of Girona, combined with a study abroad program at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (University of Oregon), and holds a master in Marine Biology from the Universidade de Algarve. Currently, he is working at the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences of the University of Barcelon beig part of the team working in the long-term monitoring program of the marine biodiversity in the Catalan Natural Parks (Montgrí, Medes Islands and Baix Ter Natural Park and Cap de Creus Natural Park).
His main research subject is the Micropalaeontology of Cretaceous and Cenozoic charophytes, especially biostratigraphy, macroevolution, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography. A second subject of research is the taphonomy and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of lacustrine and palustrine ecosystems from Upper Carboniferous, Cretaceous and Cenozoic basins
My interests are focused on molecular, metabolic and ecological studies to identify potential local adaptation of echinoderms to different environmental variables and natural gradients, in order to assess their potential vulnerability and resilience to future effects of climate change.
Martinez Amigo, Violeta
Geobotany and Vegetation Cartography Research Group (GEOVEG): SGR 00530
martinez_v@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
Biologist, with a master's degree in Biodiversity Conservation and Use. My research focuses on the ecology of mountain ecosystems, specifically on the functioning of peatland ecosystems and the carbon cycle. My scientific motivation is to understand the relationship between land use and ecosystem functioning, exploring ecological boundaries between use and conservation.
Martínez Gil, Helena
Sistemàtica i EvolucióZoològica (ZooSysEvo)
helena.martinezg@ub.edu Group Web
Evolutionary biologist currently studying the diversification patterns of a widespread genus of frogs
Martínez Ricart, Aurora
Martínez Romero, Aitor
Sistemàtica i EvolucióZoològica (ZooSysEvo)
aitor.martinez@ub.edu Personal Web
His lines of research focus on taxonomy, ecology, phylogeny and phylogeography of invertebrates, especially edaphic fauna, that is, soil. His university teaching activity is distributed among various subjects of animal biology, and teaches subjects of degree, postgraduate and master's degree. He has also taught various courses aimed at the dissemination of the biology of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates.
Medrano Cuevas, Alba
Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemesmarins (MedRecover)
albamedranocuevas@gmail.com Group Web Personal Web
Alba Medrano is a postdoctoral researcher. Her main research interest is centered on the ecology and marine conservation of coastal benthic communities. Currently, her research focuses on understanding the consequences of marine heat waves on Mediterranean benthic species, mainly by combining long-term environmental and ecological datasets with biological monitoring. Alba has been involved in long-term biological monitoring of Medes Islands Protected Area, Cap de Creus Natural Park, and Port-Cros Natural Park since 2015.
Medrano Martinez, Fernando
Grup de recerca en ecologiatròfica i del movimentdelsvertebrats (ECOVERT)
fernandomedranomartinez@gmail.com Group Web Personal Web
My PhD thesis work is focused in understanding the drivers and ecological/demographic consequences of the segregation of the breeding time in petrels
My research fouses on species population dynamics, and their relation to the environmental changes.
The expected growth of urbanised areas will increase functional distances and decreased biological connectivity among species populations, thus reducing their survival. My current research focuses on these effects and how different degrees of green zones in metropolitan areas could enhance the persistence and viability of species populations, and how this effect depends on the species traits and their adaptive potential. I also work on the role of extreme climatic events on population dynamics and species adaptations with the University of Reading. Previously, I've been working on behavioural ecology and on population dynamics at low densities to test hypotheses about the roles of compensation and depensation (also known as Allee effects) based at the University of Aberdeen .
Mercadé López, Arnau
FORESTREAM. Research Group on ForestandStreamEcological Links: Watershed Management andRestoration
arnaumerc77@hotmail.com Group Web
Fields of floristry and the study of vegetation. Preparation of critical catalogs and studies related to the conservation of vascular flora, both in the Pyrenean area and Central Catalonia. Phytosociological inventories, I analyze them through numerical classification methods. Currently, I actively participate in the field of vegetation mapping, both in field work and in editing through GIS.
Mestres i Naval, Francesc
Phone: 934034412 Group Web Personal Web
My research is focused in the study of evolutionary mechanisms, which have a great effect on biodiversity. In particular, I have studied the American colonization by the invasive species Drosophila subobscura. I have also analyzed the biodiversity of drosophila fauna in Europe and America.
Militão, Teresa
Grup de recerca en ecologiatròfica i del movimentdelsvertebrats (ECOVERT)
Phone: 934021041 Group Web Personal Web
Systematics, taxonomy, fauna, ecology, biogeography, ultrastructure and ecotoxicology of helminths (trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephala) parasites of vertebrates. Ultrastructure of reproduction and embryonic development in parasitic platihelmints.
Moles, Juan
Sistemàtica i EvolucióZoològica (ZooSysEvo)
moles.sanchez@gmail.com Group Web Personal Web
My PhD research work was the first epidemiological study in Tunisia to provide information on the West Nile virus transmission cycle during the 2012 meningoencephalitis epidemic in the Tunisian Sahel region.The study also reports the circulation of a strain of West Nile "Kunjin-like" virus never previously detected in Tunisia.My current research focuses on bats and rodents as natural reservoirs of various emerging infectious viral diseases such as coronaviruses.
I have always been amazed of our world, especially the ocean. That's why I want to focus on improving its conditions. I'm a biologist specialized in Ecology, Management and Restoration of the Natural Environment. Currently working on my PhD studying marine debris of Antarctica.