In the degree in Audio-visual Communication (Library and Information Science) we implemented four ApS projects:
From the 2016-2017 academic year, the students of the subject Projectes 2, of the degree of Audiovisual Communication, and the students of the degrees of Medicine and Podiatry, collaborate in the dissemination of medical knowledge through the production of audiovisual products. The objective is to disseminate among the population responsible use of the most prescribed drug groups. Three teachers are involved.
Partner: Faculty of Medicine
From the 2017-2018 academic year, the students of the subject Projectes 2, of the degree of Audiovisual Communication, collaborate with the School of Librarians-Documentalists of Catalonia in the diffusion of the activity of the professionals that work in the Catalan libraries For this purpose, an audiovisual report is being produced. Two teachers collaborate.
Partner: Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona (ICAB)
From the 2017-2018 academic year, the Students of Final Project of Degree (TFG) of Audio-visual Communication, collaborate with the Arxiu Històric del Camp de la bota in the spreading of the historical memory of this zone of Barcelona . For this purpose a documentary is being produced with material from the archive.
From the 2017-2018 academic year, the Students of Final Project of Degree (TFG) of Audio-visual Communication, collaborate with Linguistic Services of the University of Barcelona, in the spreading of the Catalan language and culture between students that form of programs of university mobility
These initiatives are boosted with the help of the Improvement and Educational Innovation Program (PMID) of the University of Barcelona.
Tanca la seva primera edició 2023-2024 l'assignatura compartida per diferents graus de la UB 'Aprenentatge servei, compromís i transformació social' que impulsa el Grup Aprenentatge Servei UB. En aquesta ocasió han donat resposta a una repte ambiental donada la contaminació a la platja de les 3 xemeneies de Sant Adrià del Besòs alumnat dels graus de: Belles Arts, Bioogia, Bioquímica, biotecnologia, Ciències Ambientals, Ciències biomèdiques, Sociologia, Treball Social, Farmàcia, Nutrrició Humana i Infermeria.
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