There are two service learning projects that are being carried from the Faculty of Biology:
This project is done in the Sustainable Development course, from the Enviromental Science degree. This is a multidisciplinary course where students work on various topics like diet, population, social metabolism and transitions towards sustainability. Since 2016-2017 and answering to the petition of the students to work in contact with reality, this course works as a global service learning project. Students working in groups with a social organization have to design and develop a project related to the improvement of social and environmental sustainability. The projects that are developed have to be linked to some of the content blocks from the course and are presented in public in sustainability conferenc held at the end of the school year in the faculty.
The student assesed the funtioning of the project "Farmer's market" from the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat regarding the carachteristics of the products and the perception from the different agents in it: farmers, users and consultants. The final disertation of this student was used by the organization as a way of improvement for the market.
Partner: Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat
The students have participated in the cross curricular project during 2016-2017 with some conferences and workshops.
Partner: Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona
Tanca la seva primera edició 2023-2024 l'assignatura compartida per diferents graus de la UB 'Aprenentatge servei, compromís i transformació social' que impulsa el Grup Aprenentatge Servei UB. En aquesta ocasió han donat resposta a una repte ambiental donada la contaminació a la platja de les 3 xemeneies de Sant Adrià del Besòs alumnat dels graus de: Belles Arts, Bioogia, Bioquímica, biotecnologia, Ciències Ambientals, Ciències biomèdiques, Sociologia, Treball Social, Farmàcia, Nutrrició Humana i Infermeria.
Vídeo recull de l'experiència: