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Bárbara, C. P.; Cabello, P.; Bouche, A.; Aarnes, I.; Gordillo, C.; Ferrer, O.; Roma; M.; Arbués, P. (2019). Quantifying the impact of the structural uncertainty on the gross rock volume in the Lubina and Montanazo oil fields (Western Mediterranean). Solid Earth, 10, 1597 - 1619. Q1, IF 2.380

Bover-Arnal, T.; Salas, R. (2019). Geology of the 'Sénia stone' from Ulldecona, Catalonia (Aptian, Maestrat Basin, Iberian Chain) and its implications for regional stratigraphy. Cretaceous Research, 96, 38-58. Q1, IF: 2.120

Curry, M.E.; Van der Beek, P.; Huismans, R.S.; Wolf, S.G.; Muñoz, J.A. (2019) Evolving paleotopography and lithospheric flexure of the Pyrenean Orogen from 3D flexural modeling and basin analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 515 26- Q1 (Geochemistry and Geophysics) FI:4.637

Garcés, M.; López-Blanco, M.; Valero, L.; Beamud, E.; Muñoz, J.A.; Oliva-Urcia, B.; Vinyoles, A.; Arbués, P.; Cabello, P.; Cabrera, L.  (2020, online 2019) Paleogeographic and Sedimentary evolution of the South-Pyrenean Foreland basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113, 1-20. Q1, IF: 3.358

Gil-Ortiz, M.; McDougall, N. D.; Cabello, P.; Marzo, M.; Ramos, E. (2019). Sedimentology of a “nonactualistic” Ordovician tidal-influenced reservoir in the Murzuq Basin (Libya). AAPG Bulletin, 103, 2219-2246. Q2, IF: 2.677

Granado, P.; Roca, E.; Strauss, P.; Pelz, K.; Muñoz, J.A. (2019). Structural styles in fold-and-thrust belts involving early salt structures: The Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria). Geology, 47(1), 51-54. Q1, IF: 5.006

Granado, P.; Ruh, J.B. (2019). Numerical modelling of inversion tectonics in fold-and-thrust belts. Tectonophysics, 763, 14-29. Q1, IF: 2.764

Grasseau, N.; Grélaud, C.; López-Blanco, M.; Razin, P. (2019) Forward seismic modeling as a guide improving detailed seismic interpretation of deltaic systems: Example of the Eocene Sobrarbe delta outcrop (South-Pyrenean foreland basin, Spain), as a reference to the analogous subsurface Albian Cenomanian Torok-Nanushuk Delta of the Colville Basin (NPRA, USA). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 100, 225-245. Q1, IF: 3.358

Gutiérrez, F.; Sevil, J.; Silva, P.G.; Roca, E.; Escosa, F. (2019) Geomorphic and Stratigraphic evidence of Quaternary diapiric activity enhanced by fluvial incision. Navarrés salt wall and graben system, SE Spain. Geomorphology, 342 176-195. Q1 (Geosciences, Mutidisciplinary)  FI: 3.681

Lacombe, O., Mazzoli, S., von Hagke, C., Rosenau, M., Fillon, C., Granado, P. (2019). Style of deformation and tectono-sedimentary evolution of fold-and-thrust belts and foreland basins: from nature to models. Tectonophysics, 767, Special Issue pp. 228163. Q1, IF: 2.764

Lashgari, A.: Hayhat, M.R.; Vergés, J.; Beamud, E.; Najafi, M.; Khatib, M.M.; Karimnejad, H.R. (2020, online 2019) Age of synorogenic deposits and timing of folding in Dezful embayment, SW Zagros Fold Belt. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113, Q1, IF: 3.358

Oliva-Urcia, B., Beamud, E., Arenas, C., Pueyo, E.L., Garcés, M., Soto, R., Valero, L., Pérez-Rivarés, F.J. (2019) Dating the northern deposits of the Ebro foreland basin; implications for the kinematics of the SW Pyrenean front. Tectonophysics, 765, 11-34. Q2, IF: 2.764

Pla, O.; Roca, E.; Xie, H.; Izquierdo-Lavall, E.; Muñoz, J.A.; Rowan, M.G.; Ferrer, O.; Gratacós, O.; Yuan, N.; Huang, S. (2019) Influence of Syntectonic sedimentation and décollement rheology on the geometry and evolution of orogenic wedges: analog modelling of the Kuqa Fold-and-thrust belt (NW China). Tectonics 38 (8) 2727-2755  Q1 (Geochemistry & Geophysics)  FI: 3.975

Puig, J. M., Cabello, P., Howell, J., Arbués, P., 2019. Three-dimensional characterisation of sedimentary heterogeneity and its impact on subsurface flow behaviour through the braided-to-meandering fluvial deposits of the Castissent Formation (late Ypresian, Tremp-Graus Basin, Spain). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 103, 661-680. Q1, IF: 3.538.

Ruh, L. Valero, L. Aghajari, E. Beamud, G. Gharabeigli (2019) Vertical-axis rotation in East Kopet Dagh, NE Iran, inferred from paleomagnetic data: oroclinal bending or complex local folding kinematics?. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 112 (2-3), 543-562. Q2, IF: 2.028

Snidero, M.; Muñoz, J.A.; Carrera, N.; Butillé, M.; Mencos, J.; Motamedi, H.; Piryaei, A.; Sàbat, F.; (2019). Temporal evolution of the Darmadan salt diapir, eastern Fars region, Iran. Tectonophysics, 766, 115-130. Q1, IF: 2.764

Tavani, S.; Corradetti, A.; Granado, P.; Snidero, M.; Seers, T.; Mazzoli, S. (2019). Smartphone: An alternative to ground control points for orienting virtual outcrop models and addressing their quality. Geosphere, 15(6), 2043-2052. Q1, IF: 2.847

David Vázquez-Loureiro, Vitor Gonçalves, Alberto Sáez, Armand Hernández, Santiago Giralt, María J. Rubio-Inglés, Pedro Raposeiro, Valentí Rull, Roberto Bao (2019). Diatom-inferred ecological responses of an oceanic lake system to volcanism and anthropogenic perturvations since 1290 CE. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 534  Q1, IF: 2.616

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Castelltort Aiguabella, F,X.; Balasch Solanes, J.C.; Cirés Fortuny, J.; Colombo Piñol, F. (2018). Flash Flood pleistocenos en la Depresión Central Catalana (Cuenca del Ebro). Geogaceta 63, 11-14.

Martín-Chivelet, J.; López-Gómez, J.; Aguado, R.; Arias, C.; Arribas, J.; Arribas, M.E.; Aurell, M.; Bádenas, B.; Benito, M.I.; Bover-Arnal, T.; Casas-Sainz, A.; Castro, J.M.; Coruña, F.; de Gea, G.A.; Fornós, J.J.; Fregenal-Martínez, M.; García-Senz, J.; Garófano, D.; Gelabert, B.; Giménez, J.; González-Acebrón, J.; Guimerà, J.; Liesa, C.L.; Mas, R.; Meléndez, N.; Molina, J.M.; Muñoz, J.A.; Navarrete, R.; Nebot, M.; Nieto, L.M.; Omodeo-Salé, S.; Pedrera, A.; Peropadre, C.; Quijada, I.E.; Quijano, M.L.; Reolid, M.; Robador, A.; Rodríguez-López, J.P.; Rodríguez-Perea, A.; Rosales, I.; Ruiz-Ortiz, P.A.; Sàbat, F.; Salas, R.; Soria, A.R.; Suarez-Gonzalez, P.; Vilas, L. (2019). The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Rifting. In: Quesada, C., Oliveira, J.T. (Eds.), The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach. Volume 5, 228-231. The Alpine Cycle. Springer, Heidelberg. doi: o https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11295-0_5.

Montes, M., Beamud, E., Nozal, F., Santillana, S. (2019) Late Maastrichtian-Paleocene chronostratigraphy from Seymour Island (James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula). Eustatic controls of sedimentation. Advances in Polar Science, 30(2), 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.13679/j.advps.2018.0045

Vergés, J., Emami, H., Garcés, M., Beamud, E., Homke, S., Skott, P. (2019) Zagros foreland and fold belt timing across Lurestan to constrain Arabia-Iran collision. In: Ali Farzipour Saein (Ed.) Tectonic and Structural Framework of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. Developments in Structural Geology and Tectonics.Volume 3, 29-52. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-815048-1.00003-2



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