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Amilibia, A., Sàbat F., McClay, K.R., Muñoz, J.A., Roca, E., Chong G. (2007) Structural style and tectonic evolution of the Cordillera de Domeyko, North Chilean Precordillera. Submitted to Journal of Structural Geology

Carrera, N., Muñoz, J.A. (in press) Trusting evolution in the Southern Cordillera Oriental (nothern Argentine Andes): constraints from growth strata. Tectonophysics (accepted)

Carrera, N., Muñoz, J.A., Roca, E.  3D reconstruction of geological surfaces by the equivalent dip-domain method: an example from field data of the Cerro Bayo Anticline (Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentinean Andes) Journal of Structural Geology Submitted

Coll, M., Blanco, M., Marcuello, A. (2007) Resultados preliminares en la caracterización geoméstrica 3D de un litosoma arenoso de progradación deltaica mediante georadar (GPR) (fM. Arenisca de Roda Eoceno, Cuencad Graus-Tremp) Geogaceta 41, 51-54

Falivene, O., Cabrera, Ll. Sáez, A. (2007) Optimum and robust 3D facies interpolation strategies in a heterogeneous coal zone (Tertiary As Pontes basin, NW Spain) International Journal of Coal Geology, 71 185-208

Falivene, O., Cabrera, Ll., Muñoz, J.A., Arbués, P.,  Fernández, O., Sáez, A. (2007) Statistical grid-based facies reconstruction and modelling for sedimentary bodies. Alluvail-palustrine and turbiditic examples. Geologica Acta 5(3) 199-230

Falivene, O., Cabrera, Ll., Sáez, A., (2007) Large to intermediate-scale aquifer heterogeneity in fine-grain dominated alluvial fan (Cenozoic As Pontes basin, NW Spain) Insight based on 3D geostatistical reconstruction. Hydrogeology Journal 15 861-876

Falivene, O., Cabrera, Ll., Tolosana-Delgado, R., Sáez, A. (en prensa) The role of smoothing effect in interpolation algorithm ranking using cross-validation error. A coal zone example. Terra Nova (submitted)

Falgàs, E. Ledo, J., Benjumea, B., Queralt P., Marcuello, A., Teixidó,T., Martí, A. (in press) integrating geophysical methods for the characterization of a deltaic aquifer system. Journal of Applied Geophysics (submitted)

Garcés, M., Gee, J., (2007) Paleomagnetic evidence of large footwall rotations associated with low-angle faults at the Mod-Atlantic Ridge, Geology, 35(3) 270-273

Gómez-Paccard, M.,  Beamud, E. (in press) Recent achievements in archeopaleomagnetic dating in the Iberian Peninsula: Application to Roman and Mediaeval Spanish structures. Journal of Archeological Science

Gratacós, O.,Bitzer, K.,  Cabrera, Ll., Roca E.,  SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC: a new approach to 3D forward mathematical simulation model for clastic and carnoate sedimentation. Geologica Acta (submitted)

Hardy, S., Finch, E. (2007) Mechanical stratigraphy and the transition from trishear to kink-band fault-propagation fold forms above blind basements thrust faults: a discrete element study. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 42, 75-90

Hardy, S., McClay, R.K., Muñoz, J.A. (In press 2007) Deformation and fault activity in space and time in high-resolution numerical models of boubly-vergent wedges. Marine ans Petroleum Geology

Ortuño, M., Queralt P., Martí A., Ledo, J., Masana, E., Perea, H., Santanach , P. (in press 2007) The North Maladeta fault (Spanish Central Pyrenees) as the Vielha 1923 earthquake seismic source: Recent activity revealed by geomorphological and geophysical research. Tectonophysics (accepted)

Queralt, P., Benjumea, B., Ledo, J., Garreta., M., Coll, ., Martí, A., Morena, X., Perea, H., Ortuño, M., Santanach, P. (2007) Imaging active faults in slow deformation zone by geoelectromagnetic methods. Journal of Applied Geophysics (In press)

Queralt, P.,  Jones, G., ledo, J. (2007) Electromagnetic imaging of a complex ore body: 3D forward modelling sensitivity tests, and down-mine measurement. Geophysics 72, F85

Sáez, A.,Anadón, P., Herrero M.J., Moscariello, A., (2007) Variable style of transition between Palaeogene fluvial fan and lacustrine systems, Southern Pyrenean Foreland, NE Spain. Sedimentology Vol 54 (2) 367-390

Soriano,C., Beamud, E., Garcés. M., (in press) Dike intrussion under shear stress: effects on magnetic and vasicle fabrics in dikes from rift zones in Tenerife (Canary Islands) Journal of Structural Geology



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