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This research deals with Port Geography. This is a topic traditionally followed by some professionals in the country compared to other geographical specialties, and although in recent years there have been interesting applied research on maritime and port issues, yet scarce theoretical contributions on these issues.

This thesis is intended to contribute to the expansion of port studies, compiling a theoretical synthesis on the disciplinary body of the Port Geography (origin, thematic content, working methods, port geographical studies, significant recent literature, etc.). Both theoretical reflections as the extensive literature-some 900-tabs are classified thematically useful working tools that make it easier for future researchers who choose this geographical line.

The content of the thesis is composed of two different types of analysis, as they reserve the first two parts on theoretical considerations, while the third is an applied study exemplified in the port of Barcelona. The first two parts are the theoretical body of work: the first is analyzed as has been changing over time how to study in Geography seaports, and then discusses the defining traits of Port Geography as a specialty, presenting the state of the issue globally.

The third part of the thesis has an applied nature: is a student outreach port of Barcelona today (late eighties). After presenting the characteristics of the port of Barcelona in his role as an international trading center, proceed to the analysis of spatial outreach. This is done 1) defining their areas of influence outside-foreland overall foreland-sectoral and inter-port connectivity, and 2) studying the organization of regular communications network international ocean.

The text of the thesis, which is divided into three parts mentioned, makes continual reference to the Bibliography and Appendix documentary, which appear at the end.


(AIVP)  Association International Villes et Ports


European Sea Ports Organisation

(IAPH)  The International Association of Ports and Harbours                                                        

Puertos del Estado. Ministerio de Fomento. España

Asociación para la Colaboración entre Puertos y Ciudades                                                               

Departament de Geografia Física i Anàlisi Geogràfica Regional.

Universitat de Barcelona

Departament de Geografia Humana.

Universitat de Barcelona

Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles

Societat Catalana de Geografia