A variety of mechanisms have been proposed to explain regeneration, ranging from stem cells to tissue remodeling. However, a central question is the identification of specific regulatory regions capable to trigger regeneration. We are interested in determining how signaling pathways integrate with chromatin dynamics during regeneration, as a basis to understand the cell plasticity that is required to allow the reconstruction of the missing tissue.
Some of the lab publications related to the topic:
Llorens-Giralt P, Camilleri-Robles C, Corominas M, Climent-Cantó P. Chromatin Organization and Function in Drosophila. Cells. 2021 Sep 8; 10(9):2362.
Forcales SV, Corominas M.Chromatin status is key for regeneration. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Jan;97:1-2.
Vizcaya-Molina E, Klein CC, Serras F, Corominas M. Chromatin dynamics in regeneration epithelia: Lessons from Drosophila imaginal discs. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2019 May 16. pii: S1084-9521(18)30195.
Vizcaya-Molina E, Klein CC, Serras F, Mishra RK, Guigó R, Corominas M. Damage-responsive elements in Drosophila regeneration.
Genome Res. 2018 Dec;28(12):1852-1866.
Pérez-Lluch S, Blanco E, Tilgner H, Curado J, Ruiz-Romero M, Corominas M, Guigó R. Absence of canonical marks of active chromatin in developmentally regulated genes. Nat Genet. 2015 Oct;47(10): 1158-67. doi: 10.1038/ng.3381.
We are seeking for highly motivated and enthusiastic candidates with background in developmental biology, molecular genetics, functional genomics or genome-editing technologies.
Interested candidates send a letter of interest, CV and contact details of 2 referees to: Montserrat Corominas, mcorominas@ub.edu