Main Research Projects
• Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. Autonomous Organism of National Parks, project 2462-2017. BIGPARK: Biodiversity trends in marine bottoms of National Parks under the impact of invasive species and climate change: genetic and ecologic biomonitoring. 2020-2022. IP: Xavier Turon (CEAB-CSIC)
• Spanish Ministry of Economy CTM2017-88080-C2-1-R. PopCOmics: Marine biodiversity and genomics: from populations to communities. 2018-2020 IP: Marta Pascual (UB)
• Spanish Ministry of Economy CTM2013-48163-C2-1-R. CHALLENGEN: Addressing CHALLENges in marine research with GENetic tools: introduced species, biodiversity assessment, adaptation to global warming (PI: Marta Pascual). 205,700 €. 2014-2017
• Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and the Environment. Autonomous Organism of National Parks, project 1036-2013. METABARPARK. Genetic characterization (metabarcoding) of the biodiversity and its alterations in benthic communities of the marine National Parks (PI: Xavier Turon). 49565 €. 2014-2016
• European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement 287844. COCONET: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (Coordinator: Ferdinando Boero, CSIC Coordinator: E. Macpherson) 594,200 € (partner CSIC). 2012-2016
• European Union Marie Curie Actions, FP7-PEOPLE-2010, project PIRG08-GA-2010-277038. Bacterial Symbiosis in Ascidians (SYMASC). 80,500 €. 2011-2014 (Scientist in Charge; Researcher: Susanna López-Legentil)
• Spanish Ministry of Science CTM2010-22218-C02-02. BENTHOMICS: tracking changes in the marine benthos by novel molecular tools: individuals, populations, communities (PI: Marta Pascual). 150,000 €. 2011-2013
• BBVA Foundation. BIOCON08: Efecto de las discontinuidades marinas sobre la biodiversidad genética de invertebrados bentónicos: implicaciones en el diseño de áreas marinas protegidas. (PI: M. Pascual) 200.000€. 2009-2012
Spanish Ministry of Science CTM2007-66635-C02-02. MARMOL: Molecular tools for the study of the vulnerability of littoral benthic populations: structure, connectivity, adaptation, and gene expression (PI: X. Turon and C. Palacin). 184,000 € 2007-2009
Spanish Ministry of the Environment. National Parc Network. Genetic biodiversity of marine organisms in Cabrera National Parc (PI: E. Macpherson, CSIC). 160,049 €. 2005-2007
Spanish Ministry of Science CTM2004-05265-C02-01. INTERGEN: genetic interchange between Atlantic and Mediterranean in invertebrates and fish: colonization, speciation and invasions. (PI: X. Turon, CSIC) 118,600 €. 2004-2007
Spanish Ministry of Science REN2001-2312-C03-02. GENECO: Genetic structure and gene flow in benthic organisms: applications in biotechnology and management of the marine environment. (PI: X. Turon, CSIC) 72,121 €. 2002- 2005
Spanish Ministry of Science. Estudio integrado de la biodiversidad bentónica del Mar de Bellinghausen y Península Antártica (Antártida del Oeste) CICYT. REN2001-1074/ANT (IP : Ignacio Olaso IEO) 2001-2004
Spanish Ministry of Science MAR98-1004-C02-02. Biological responses of the littoral benthos (invertebrates and fish) to anthropic impacts. (PI: X. Turon, CSIC)32,454 €. 1998-2001
Spanish Ministry of Science. Estudios de la Fauna y Flora bentónica de los fondos de la zona sur de la Isla Livingston (Shetland del Sur, Antártica) (PI: Ana Ramos IEO) 1994-1995
Spanish Ministry of Science . Regulación de la producción biológica en el mar Mediterráneo. (PI: Carlos Duarte, CSIC) 1992-1994
Spanish Ministry of Science PB86-0021. Study of the marine and lagoon ecosystems of the Island of Formentera (Balearic Islands) (PI: M. Ballesteros, Univ. of Barcelona ). 16,828 €. 1987-1990.
Spanish Ministry of Science. Programa integrado para el estudio del efecto del depósito submarino de lodos en la zona del río Besos sobre la zona costera de Barcelona (SPIO) (PI Joandomènec Ros, Univ. Barcelona). 1987-1989
Spanish Ministry of Science. Estudio integrado del delta del Ebro (PI: J. Camp, CSIC). 1986-1989
Research contracts with companies and public administrations
Fisheries Department, Catalan government. Update of the cartogr aphy of the sea urchin populations of commercial interest in Catalonia . Scientific advisor of the enterprise in charge, Ecoproges SL. 72,000 €. 2005-2008
Fisheries Department. Catalan government. Biology of the edible sea urchin populations in the Catalan littoral. (PI: C. Palacin, X. Turon). 13,667 €. 1993
Fisheries Department, Catalan government. Evaluation and cartography of the edible sea urchin populations in the Catalant littoral. (PI: M. Ballesteros, C. Palacin, X. Turon). 63,160 € 1992
“ La Caixa ” (local banking institution), Barcelona . Study of the resources of the soft bottoms in the Maresme littoral (PI, M. Ballesteros, Univ. of Barcelona ). 24,040 €. 1991-1995.
Other funded activities
Working funds for the Consolidated Research Group “Benthic Biology and Ecology” (this group includes several professors of the Univ. of Barcelona and scientists of the Spanish Research Council, C. Palacín has acted as PI in one of these calls)
Committee for Universities and Research, Catalan Government:
.......... 2005SGR00674. 36,600 €. 2006 2008
.......... 2001SGR00093. 45,075 €. 2002 2005
.......... 1999SGR00320. 21,035 €. 2000 2002
University of Barcelona
.......... UB Quality Research Group-3163. 4.507 €. 1998-2000
.......... UB Quality Research Group-2640. 7.813 €. 1996-1997