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The 2nd Edible Cities Network Conference 2023. Planetary health, edible city solutions and social engagement

16 Marzo, 2023
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The 2nd Edible Cities Network Conference: Advancing the Edible City: Ideas, Practices and Systems. 15–17 March 2023

Advancing the Edible City will bring together leading researchers, policymakers and city administrators, civil society actors, green city activists and entrepreneurs to explore the ideas, practices, and systems necessary to support the sustainable, resilient and socially just development of our cities’ food systems. The conference is co-organised and hosted by RMIT University, the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Planetary health,edible citysolutions and social engagement: State-of­the-art andpathways forenhancing connections and impacts

The workshop aims to explore the multi-faceted aspects of food and health in cities from both an individual and a planetary health perspective. Presentations will look at existing evidence of the physical and mental health impacts of participation in urban food initiatives, including community gardens and the ways in which universities and other stakeholders are building evidence and supporting sustainable food systems. Possibilities and pathways for growing connections between stakeholders and enhancing impacts, both at the individual and the planetary leve1, will be a central focus of the discussions.

Moderator: Maria Izquierdo-Pulido, Director, Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Gastronomy, University of Barcelona
Planetary Health Diet in University Canteens: A Study on the Acceptance of Sustainab/e and Hea/thy Food Choices
•Andrea Rizo Barroso, PhD Student, University of Barcelona
State-of-the-art evidence of the hea/th impacts of community gardening
·Jill Litt, Senior Researcher, Barcelona lnstitute for Global Health (IS Global) and Coordinator, RECETAS Project
Unpacking the meaning of gardening and its impact on well-being
•Ashby Lavelle Sachs, Postdoctoral Fellow, RECETAS Project, IS Global
Exploring what motivates people to take part in a community garden - an example from Oslo
•Wendy Fjellstad, Research Scientist, Norwegian lnstitute for Bioeconomy Research
Physical Happiness in green (food) initiatives in Rotterdam
•Harmen Sliep, Groene Oase op Zuid and Nienke Bouwhuis, GroeneConnectie

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